Chapter Five: he finally talks!

Start from the beginning

Lucy blushes, 'what was that about?' She wonders.

The rest of the team agrees and plan to leave tomorrow morning. It was a fifty thousand jewel job to get rid of some demons. Which was odd because, E.N.D and Jackel were the only ones they knew of.


Lucy gets back to the house and sees Natsu laying on the bed looking through some books of hers that survived the fire somehow.

"Are you reading?" She asks.

"Yep." Was all he said with disinterest.


"Because, I want to. Are you going to stop being annoying now?"

Lucy really wanted to kick him for that, "you're a real piece of work." She mumbles angrily, "can you just bring Natsu back?"



"Do you really want to know?" He looks at her.


Then he looks back at the book and continues reading.

"You're unbelievable."


"That wasn't a compliment." He just knew how to push her buttons. She couldn't believe she had to live with him. She needed her Natsu back, "I'm going to take a bath and relax."

"Want me to join?" He winks.

"No way!"

"Come on we're married," he holds up his left hand to show a gold band around his finger.

"Not to you."

He laughs, "fine. Have a nice bath."

She leaves for the bathroom and turns the water on. She squirts some soap in there too making bubbles all around. Sinking deep into the water she closes her eyes and let's her mind wander. Thinking about Natsu's famous grin he always does and how he would always be there to save her, 'I miss you already. I'm going to do everything I can to bring you back.' She thinks to herself.

It was almost an hour when she finally wanted out of the tub. She dries herself off, wraps a towel around her, and leaves the room. She forgot to bring clothes with her in the bathroom from being agitated by E.N.D. Lucy looks over to the bed and sees he's fast asleep, "thank god." She says.

She gets dressed in her pjs and slips under the covers of the bed. He looked so much like Natsu at that moment it almost made her forget it wasn't him. He stirs a little bit.

"Fire... Fire. fire..." He mumbles in his sleep.

She tries to connect the dots from when she first saw the demon years ago till now. It was completely different. Then she remembers what happened to that dark guild and she frowns. She reaches her hand out and pokes him in the face, "E.N.D..."

He moves slightly then opens one of his eyes, "can you just call me Natsu?"



"Because you're not him."

"Ugh... What do you want anyways? I was sleeping."

"I know.... I just can't fall asleep."

"So you bother me?"

"You should be thankful I didn't make you sleep on the floor!" She screams, "it can still be arranged."

"Make me." He taunts with a smirk.

She Lucy kicks him off the bed but, he catches himself from landing harshly, "have fun on the floor. Goodnight."

"I need pillows and blankets."

"Oh, right...." She gets up grabs a tiny stuffed animal and a baby blanket that used to be hers when she was little, "here you go," she hands it to him.

He looks at Lucy confused then looks at what she gave him, "what the hell is this?!"

"You're whining like a baby so there you go. It's fitting." She crawls into the bed.

"No one has ever treated me like this..." He says with shock.


He just stands there, planning what to do next. He decides and drops the blanket and stuffed animal on the ground. Laying down he tries to get comfortable, "this sucks." He lays there awake till he knows that Lucy is asleep. Getting up he smoothly hops over her and lands on his side of the bed and pulls the covers over him, "I win." He whispers.

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