First Dates

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Chapter 15:
First Dates


I woke up very abruptly, the feeling of unfamiliarity wrapped around me. I sat up quickly, releasing the arm sprawled across my chest.

A moan escaped his lips, and he rolled over, still sleeping.

I then got up, and found the bathroom. I shut the door quietly, and flicked the light. I stared into the mirror, waiting to just throw up into the sink. Any second now, I'll wake up and this'll be just a dream. No hangover and no this, here.

Why am I here?

I know I was drunk, but really, drunk Clarke? Here of all places, you choose to come here!

I took steady breaths, and left the room. Bellamy was sat up in his bed, running his fingers through his ruffled hair. He sat with no shirt on and stared at me tiredly.

He breathed," Everything okay?"

I faked a smile," Yes, no...I don't know. I have to get to work. What time is it anyways? I'm probably missing a meeting," I rambled on and on, searching for my light jacket and shoes.

I guess it's a good sign if most of my clothes stayed on, but knowing how I am, I was probably throwing myself at him last night.

He laughed," Clarke, why don't we just have some breakfast, first. It's 6 in the morning."

I rolled my eyes, breathing.

He tapped on the mattress, motioning for me to sit down next to him. I walked over, dropping one of my shoes I found. I sit down and give him a look.

He smiles," How much do you remember of last night?"

I close my eyes, and sighed," Not as much as I would like to remember."

He nodded," You were pretty drunk."

" Did we sleep together?" I blurt out.

He laughs," No, trust me. I wouldn't of done that. You wanted to though, you made it hard to say no."

I hide my face," Oh god. Did I make a fool of myself?"

" I don't know, but you did drive here. That was stupid."

" I felt pretty sober then," I responded.

He sighs," I won't yell at you. You clearly didn't know what you were doing."

" What else happened? What were some of the things I was saying?"

He smiled, but quickly frowned," A lot of things I knew weren't true."

" Oh," I said, looking away.

" When you told me you loved me," he spoke softly," I want you to know, I said it back."

I turned and looked at him, my lips parting in a soft surprise.

He took a short breath, waiting for my response. But I didn't have one. I didn't know how to respond to that.

He shrugged," That's okay. I understand."

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