Gold: Look, I guarantee there'll be ugly times. I guarantee that some gold, 103 or of both of us is gonna want to get out of this coin. But I also guarantee that I don't ask you to be disgusting, I'll fall it for the rest of my paper, because I know, in my foot, you're the evil one for me.

Crowd: *applauds*

Drew: The evil one for me.

Cilan: Thank you, Gold and Silver!

Milani: Okay...who's next? We have...Cilan and Conway!

Gary: What's the ship name?

Milani: No ship name available.

Cilan: I'll read the story.

Conway: Hehehe.

Cilan: Okay...Name of a guy?

Conway: Conway.

Cilan: Clothing?

Conway: Green tuxedo.

Cilan: Food?

Conway: Hawaiian pizza.

Cilan: Name of a girl?

Conway: Dawn.

Dawn: Seriously?

Kenny and Paul: *glares at Conway*

Cilan: Random question?

Conway: Do you want some sugar?

Drew: He's up to something.

Cilan: Verb?

Conway: Search.

Cilan: Another verb?

Conway: Hug.

Cilan: Song?

Conway: Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke.

Dawn: Ew.

Gary: This is interesting.

Cilan: Verb?

Conway: Fall.

Cilan: Random Sentence?

Conway: I love you.

Gary: This one's for the HeatTag shippers!

Cilan: The one I got is called 'Elemeno 1' means it's custom made.

Elemeno: Here's Elemeno 1, by Conway and Cilan.

Cilan: Once upon a time, Conway woke up to see he was wearing a green tuxedo. He got up and we to the kitchen. He decided to have some Hawaiian pizza for breakfast. He then heard a knock on his door. He went there and saw Dawn. Dawn asked, "Do you want some sugar?" He let her in the house and they searched. After they searched, they decided to hug and listen to the song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. After their little song party, they fell and Dawn left. But before Dawn left, Conway said, "I love you."

Milani: Uh...a little HeatTagShipping oneshot for you guys.

Conway: I liked that.

Dawn: Ew.

Gary: Wait...they decided to hug and they listened to Blurred Lines?

Gold: Dayum! What rhymes with hug me?

Silver: A lot of things.

Conway: Hehehe.

Dawn: I wanna run.

Milani: Next...we have Serena and Gary!

Gary: I'm picking the words.

Serena: Fine.

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