Devon rolled his eyes, which I could see from here have become an off reddish pink color. My eyes are probably the same matching shade of red. "Emma intrigues you? How can she when she can't do anything? She's blind for Christ sake." Levi asked rudely.

I resisted the urge to flip him off again simply for the fact that I'm not high enough yet for me to be okay with being kicked out.

Levi's fucking lucky too. Any other time had he said that in front of me I would have punched the smirk off his face for saying some rude shit like that. But instead, I took another drag before handing the blunt to Michael.

"She's intellectual and affable, unlike you guys," I reply purposely using words I doubt they knew the meaning of well enough to know I was insulting them all.

I laughed and based by their confused clouded looks they are either very high or very confused by what I said. I'll go with both.

They don't question me though as they either nod or murmur a quiet agreement accepting my response.

After a while and in our current state it didn't take long for our conversation to move on to a new topic, which happens to be Mario Kart.

We joked around as Devon managed to turn on his Wii for us to play some games as well as finishing our blunt only to light up another one.

After two rounds of some shit soccer game, we finished the second joint before taking out the pipe to use.

"I'm smoking your ass!" Michael said as he cheered himself on. Levi pouted as he tried to move his player but instead his player ran in circles. "This game is rigged." He complained. "No, you just suck, man." Devon corrected him.

This is how I normally spend my Fridays. With the boys, in Devon's basement getting high and playing games on either Devon's will or playstation.

And for once, I felt kind of bored. After talking about Em, I didn't feel much like sitting here watching Levi complain about losing.

Devon got up and moved over to the mini fridge in the corner of the room and opens it. He pulls out a large bottle of none flavored 'New Amsterdam' vodka.

He probably bought it with his fake ID, we may only be 17, but drugs can age a person enough to look four years older.

Devon twists and opened the cheap clear bottle before taking a swig and passing it to me. I don't even hesitate to take a large gulp of the acid like drink as it burned my throat.

"This is fucking gross," I said as I took another large sip before handing him the bottle back.

Levi and Michael are way too into the game they are playing to pay Devon and I any mind.

Devon took a few large sips before gagging and handing me the bottle again. I could tell he was quickly becoming drunk based on the clumsy way he handed me the bottle and the droopy look of his eyes.

Yep, He is going to feel like crap tomorrow. I wonder how he is going to hide this time from his mom.

"Emma's different." Devon slurred randomly. I looked at him curiously with why he had brought her up once again. "I guess," I said, hoping to change the subject.

"She's funny too, well when she isn't being mean," Devon added like I hadn't said anything. "You talk to her?" I ask him wondering how he was right again about her mean comedy.

"Nah, but I dated her cousin Rebecca last year. Rebecca was hot but kind of full of herself. Might ask her out again." Devon slurred tiredly.

"Emma's pretty cool. Even said she would try weed." I replied ignoring everything Devon had muttered about Rebecca and getting back together with her.

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