He thinks he's so weak. Afraid of some little animal. Why is he hiding? He hides to everything that might touch him, which is everything touched him. He shooked, breathing heavily.

He needs to calm down. He wants to go away.


Later that day

Dipper's POV

Finally. School is over! I stood up from my chair, thinking of locking myself inside my apartment for the whole night. Until Mabel grabbed my wrist, her hands was always so warm. I jerked, she gasped "Oh! Sorry for startling you, Dip.." She laughed quietly "I was thinking of staying at your place for today." She shrugs.

I tilt my head, that was out of nowhere "Why?" I asked

"Mom and Dad has to leave for business trip today. So, I'm alone at the house and you know I dont like that."

Well, she has a point. I nodded, not that I mind. I'll just sleep at the extra bed cushion on the floor. Yes, I'm ready at everything. "Sure. I wouldn't mind but, I have to go to the cafe first." I say

She nodded, clinging her arm on my arm "I know!" She chirped as we walked out the University's compound. They we're staring at us but I dont care. I'm with my sister. That all matters. I wish she'll stay for a long time though.

We talked about many things. She mostly talked though, I only listened and answer if needed. Her topic is mostly about boys, which I tried not to listen, her new sweaters, the new designs she made for her outfits. And many things more. She has always been so ambitious, she's determine to everything. I wish I could be like her too.

But then, we're too different. I dont even think I have one of my parents' genes on me. Or probably I have, we do have the same hair and eye color. I shooked. Unforgivable thinking, Dipper.

We arrive soon to the cafe, we went in. The smell of the aroma made me feel like home again. I sighed dreamily. Mabel was at awed and she tugged my arm, pointing a seat for the two of us and thank God its near the window. I cant just concentrate myself if I'm not near a window. "We seat there!" Her grammar. Is she not an American? I nodded "Do you want something?" I asked.

She shrugs "You know me, dip dip." She giggled and skipped away. With her usual happy-go-lucky air. I shouldn't be so worried about her, she can fight. Unlike me. I'm a coward, weak. I sighed. I've been sighing too much lately, aren't I?

"Whats with the long face, Pine Tree?"

I jerked once I arrived at the counter. It was the blond, Bill. I remembered yesterday's events. My cheeks heated fast, I looked away but then it was too suspicious so I fought back the embarrassment. I gave him a small wary smile "N-Nothing.. Just, some things in mind." I answered.

He tilt his head, cutely may I add and I have to restrain myself from squeling. Its weird that I love cuteness, something I got from my sister I guess. Damn her ways of life.

"Well. If you say so. So? What will I get for you? And for your-" He paused, eyes shifting to somewhere then back to me. Gaze that I couldn't understand. Now, I'm the one needing to tilt my head.

He cleared his throat "Girlfriend, I suppose?" He muttered.

"Pfft." I covered my mouth fast, hugging my stomach. Did he just think that Mabel is my girlfriend? That was the first! He looks so confused, shock if I may add. I was quivering. Dammit! I pull away my hand, letting out my short but moderate laughs.

"-ahahaha! Dont joke around!" I exclaim, smile forming in every curve of my lips "She isn't my girlfriend!" I say, laughing too much.

"E-Eh? She isn't?"

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