Show And Tell

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He was joking on the "hey cutie" thing, also he's a little... insane, but that doesn't make him a bad friend! Anyways, I dare everyone to do a show and tell, btw why does everyone hate sonic?? *bring out a black and red scythe with a skull on the beginning of the blade* This is my Show and Tell item...


Hiraite: Whelp... They is a lot of reasons why people hate Sonic. He-

Sally: I don't hate him...!!

Jane: I don't

Toby: I don't

Ben: I don't

Jeff: I fucking do!!! *places ice pack on his head*

Smile: I don't... *licks Sonic*

Sonic: Gross!!! *wipes the dog saliva off his face* Chill on the dog slobber...

Hiraite: ANYWAYS!!!! Onto the show and tell!!!!

Jeff: *takes out a bloody knife* Here is my bloody knife called Bloody... ^.^

Jack: *takes out scalpel* This is my scalpel... Still needs to be cleaned...

Ben: *throws all his games onto the floor* THESE ARE MAG BABIES!!!! *falls onto the floor while hugging his games*

Toby: *takes out his hatches* These are my weapons... *kisses both hatches* or mah babies

Slender: *takes a book with the operator symbol on it* This is my victim book...

Hiraite: *flips hoodie up and takes off mask* This is my mask...

Masky: *takes out camera and smiles* this is mah camera... ^.^

Hoodie: *shows a bat with nails on them* This is my second weapon... ^.^

Sonic: *takes out a can of paint* This is my paint for painting my victim's faces...

Hiraite: Well that concludes Show and Tell.... ^.^

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