Chapter 1- What Have You Done?

Start from the beginning

             Maura's gut twisted with guilt, as she turned back into herself. What she'd done was wrong and devious, yet she couldn't fight the feeling of satisfaction bubbling in her chest. Her lips stretched into a secret smile, but it didn't last long.

            It slipped off her face as she saw the tall handsome African-American boy making his way toward her, his steps purposeful.

            He was going to confront her, Michael had decided. He would go to her and demand that she answer his questions, and then if he could trust her, he would tell her what he could do. He had it all mapped out in his head.

            So when she made a run for it, sprinting all the way through the double doors that lead into an outside seating area, Michael ran after her, shocked.

            Maura zipped through the seating area into the open courtyard breathing heavily. Who was that boy? And why was he following her?

            Then dread slammed into her, bringing her sprint to a sudden halt. Had he seen what she had done? If so, why was he following her instead of running through the halls screaming freak at the top of his lungs?

            Did the girl have a death wish? Michael thought. She had stopped running so suddenly that he'd almost crashed into her. After catching his breath, just inches behind her, he slid easily and stood in front of her still figure. He waved a hand in front of her face trying to catch her attention. The girl's large brown eyes were glazed over as if she were deep in thought.

            She was pulled from her thoughts by the hand that waved in front of her face. Maura's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she smiled sheepishly. The boy returned her smile before saying "You're like me–" his voice had a boyish cadence to it; it fit his smooth handsome face and his innocent round coffee colored eyes.

            "I saw what you did, I saw you transform into the dean. You're special." Michael continued. His eyes twinkled with excitement; he had found someone like him that he could tell his secret too.

            Maura executed her lie smoothly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."  Turning on her heel she headed toward the double doors she'd previously run through. But the boy jumped into her pathway, holding his hands up in defense.

             "Ok, ok. Let's start small. What's your name?" the boy asked "Maura Giorgio." Maura answered cautiously, drawing out her name slowly. "Ok, Maura, my name is Michael. Michael Gibbons, I can do something weird too." Maura sighed and looked up at him dubiously.

            "Well, my ability isn't as flashy or as cool as yours but I can...uh...–" he scratched the back of his head, a nervous gesture of his. Michael continued "Well, I'll just show you."

            An awkward silence stretched out between them. Michael looked at Maura, his countenance serene and calm. Maura looked at Michael; with raised eyebrows and firmly crossed arms. "Well?" she asked her voice impatient. "Ssh, just listen." And that's what Maura did, she listened. The chirping of the birds were gone, and she could no longer hear the hustle and bustle of the city that surrounded the school.

Only a glaring silence remained.


 Part 2: No One Will Believe You

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