archangel-chapter 2

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I hope yall like the last chapter(:



Aylin moved herself away from me and walked to Mark and into the house. i unclenched my hand stared at it, blood was oozing out but not so much that i would need a blood transfusion. i wiped my hand on  my jeans and walked to my car, I opened the door and sat inside. But before i turned on the car, i had an throbbing pain in my head and when i closed my eyes there was a flash and i saw a guy about my age with black hair that hovered above his eyes. He was on the ground with a knife in his stomach, and there was s girl-a girl who looked like me, she was on her knees next to him, crying.

 That was when the head ache stopped and the picture was gone. i opened my eyes and started to gasp for air like i held it in for a long time.

"What the hell just happened" i whispered to myself, putting my hand on forehead. 


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Lucas Vaughn


Unknown POV****

i felt like a stalker.

i was following the earth girl by sky, constantly staring at her so nothing goes wrong. If anything did happened to her, i wouldn't hear the end of it.

she was in her little yellow beetle car, that was so shiny you could use it as a mirror. 

Why couldn't she stay in her house today. i asked my self, sighing. 

I was stuck babysitting a girl who didn't know the danger lurking around her.



Alex's POV****

As i reached Jose's place, i saw him and his little sister Kayla playing in the front yard. Jumping into piles of leaves.

Jose Cruz, is my best friend since 2nd grade when he stood in front of me when these kids were making fun of me and told them to leave me alone or else he was going to uninvited them to his birthday party. Yes Jose was a big shot in 2nd grade and still is.

He's captain of the football team and is the best at wrestling. He is known as the hottest guy at our school. But everyone has a bad thing about them and about Jose well lets just say hes a player

He's like those guys who goes out with a girl and doesn't even know her name. i tell him that karma's gunna catch up with him but as usual he never listens.

i parked the car on the curb and got out, walking to Jose and Kayla.

"Well it looks like you guys are having fun." i said as i stood in front of Kayla who came running at me with twigs and leaves in her hair.

"ALEX!!!!!!!!" She screamed, then hugged me around my legs. She was the most cutest 5 year old, i have ever seen. and you dont see them everyday

i crouched down to her level and smiled at her, "Well isn't it Rapunzel?" i teased as i pushed her long silky brown hair out of her face. Me and Jose gave Kayla that nickname when a little kid from the park pulled on her hair making fun of how long it is. She came home crying, telling me and Jose what had happened. i was about read to have a little talk wit that booger but Jose said ' You know what princess has long hair and is the prettest of them all' Kayla shook her head Jose smiled and said 'Rapunzel' Kayla burst into a smile and hugged Jose so tight that he had to catch his breath.

After that day we called her Rapunzel or Princess Kayla, and after that day i noticed that to Kayla, Jose is her prince.

she giggled, "Me and Jose were stacking up leaves and jumping in them. It was so much fun" she said as she threw her hands above her tiny head.

i smiled, then looked behind her Jose was starting to pile another bunch of leaves, he was so into it that he didn't even notice i was there.

i sighed, sometimes he was such a kid. I stood up and walked behind Jose as quietly as i could but the stupid dead leaves kept crunching underneath my Louis Vuitton laced boots-one Jose bought me for my 16th birthday.

Once i was behind Jose i looked at Kayla and put my finger to my lip telling her to stay quiet. She put her hands on her mouth and giggled.

Then with all my strength i pushed Jose into the pile he was making. but being the klutz that  i am i tripped over the gardening hose and fell in with him. 

"ahh" i shouted making my way down to the pillow of leaves. Jose was laughing, "What kind of idiot pulls a prank but gets caught in it too?" 

i punch him on the arm, "Stop being mean,"  then got off the ground, dusting my self off.

"Hey, did you do that?" Jose asked, 

"What are you-" i asked as i turned around looking down at the spot where i fell. All of the leaves that i sat on turned green, and i'm sure all of them were dead before i fell on it.

Jose opened his mouth to say something, but Kayla started to scream. 

"ahhhhhhh!!" Me and Jose snapped are heads toward Kayla and saw that she was on the ground crying. Jose ran to her and i followed in his footsteps.

"What happened, Kayla. Why are you crying?" Jose asked as he knelled down next to her. Kayla moved her hands away from her face and looked up at Jose

"Someone pushed me down and my foot is hurting so much," then she started to cry more

Jose made a face, "What do you mean someone pushed you?"

Kayla, didn't say anything she just kept on crying and crying. i put a hand on Jose's shoulder, "Maybe we should go inside and make sure her ankle isn't broken, then we'll ask what happened." 

Jose nodded his head, and picked up Kayla, prince style. 

You should be careful next time, earth girl

i turned around, i know i heard something i thought to myself. but nothing was there. Maybe i was just imagining things. 

The wind picked up and blew strands of hair in my face, i turned around and walked inside the house but as i walked in i swear i heard someone laughing behind me.


 i hope ya'll liked this chapter as much as u liked the other one(: 

plz comment and rate(:

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