Ch. 6: She-Devil

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It was my first day on the job, and I was pretty sure that I'd already had enough. Not only did I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, but then I was expected to actually do work! And boy, what nasty work it was.

One of my first jobs involved emptying all of the tampon bins in the girls' bathroom, which was bad enough as it was, but then I had to do it all over again in the locker room.

I was then called to the library, where the cheery but robust nun, Sister Francis (lovingly nicknamed Sister Franny), had developed a mouse problem. As it turns out, she had been hoarding snacks in her desk drawer and the mice had chewed their way in overnight. It was my job to get rid of the mice before cleaning her drawer, which was now covered in mice feces and drenched in their piss.

The entire time I worked, she talked my ear off.

"So, you're the new janitor? Buck is it?"

"Buck?" I lifted my gaze from the feces I was digging through to give her a questioning look.

"That's what your name tag says," she informed me, pointing to my chest.

I looked down at the faded blue jumpsuit I'd been given upon my arrival to work this morning. My custom outfit hadn't come in the mail yet, so I was given the largest size they had to accommodate my lanky features: a jumpsuit that once belonged to a very tall and mentally slow janitor that had died years ago. I was fairly certain his ghost was cursing me today, considering this was probably one of the worst days of my life.

I'd take hangovers over sticking my hands in rodent turds any day.

"Oh, that," I muttered, going back to my work. "They just gave me an extra jumpsuit because mine hasn't come in yet."

"Isn't that just a shame?" She sighed, pursing her lips as though she knew my pain. I glared at her when she wasn't looking, silently screaming at her.

Was it a sin to wish a nun was cleaning up mouse poop instead of yourself? Probably.

"My whole life is shame," I grumbled sarcastically.

"What was that, dear?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing...."

I continued to remove the contents from her drawer and throw them into a designated bin. She watched me with a wide smile, which only proved to make me hate my life and Sister Franny even more.

The door suddenly clicked open and I heard someone step through, immediately rushing passed the desk and heading for some nearby tables.

"Did you bring me anything for lunch today, Ms. Kazio?"

Sister Franny's question made me stop in my tracks, and I looked up in time to see Kazio pause in front of Franny and hand her a chocolate bar.

"Three Musketeers, as always," Kaz announced in what I assumed was her best attempt at being happy. She gave a tiny smile as Sister Franny took the bar and cradled it to her chest.

"Oh, bless your little heart, Ms. Kazio!" Franny chirped, tearing open the wrapping paper and beginning to chow down. Carelessly, she tossed the wrapping paper into her desk drawer, but a slight draft of wind caused it to drift and get caught in my hair instead.

This wasn't how I wanted Ms. Kazio to see me again. Even if she was a bitch, she was hot and she was my superior. For her to keep running into me in these kinds of situations only proved to her that I was as big of a loser as she had assumed I was.

Her eyes caught my own and she forced a smirk down at me from behind her glasses. "You got the job, I see."

Realizing how pathetic I must look, I blushed and combed the wrapper from my hair, realizing too little too late that I still had my gloves on. The same ones that were currently covered in piss and shit.

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