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Once it was decided and Ragnar agreed to go with us when we leave, the planning started. Ragnar made sure that Jax had clothes and food and anything else he's going to need was packed while I planned everything else.

"Lucian still does not know, right?" I asked Ragnar as I helped him pack Jax's clothes. We had only two weeks and we wanted to be ready but we were careful about Lucian finding out.

"If he knows, he isn't letting out. How's your sight?" He asked me.

"Still sucks. No progress what so ever." I replied, zipping the duffle bag. He suddenly grabbed my hands in his and stopped me, getting my full attention.

"There's something I have to do first but we will be set to leave on the eleventh." I just nodded and went to sit down. He helped me and sat down next to me.

"What is Lucian's story? Why is he different from the rest of you?" I asked suddenly. I heard Ragnar take a deep breath and shift in his seat.

"He was the very first Delfunie. He was human once, just like the rest of us. He was in prison for murder when they came looking. They thought he would be a good test subject."

"Who is they?"

"This scientist group. They went to all these prisons looking for test subjects for medical research. I guess they thought if something happened, no one would miss them if they had to kill them.

"Well, they started testing on these people, Lucian included. Things started happening to them. They began physically changing and they turned into these monsters. Lucian was the first to change.

"It didn't take long for them to take over. They bit the scientist and they turned. The take over only escalated from there and now here we are." 

"Here we are." We didn't talk much after that. Now I know why Lucian is so different from the other Delfunie. He's the first. So the science subject test screw-up was the right theory. My vision wasn't coming back anymore but I could tell that Ragnar is upset.

Suddenly, he straightened up and began to panic. He grabbed all the bags and put them in the closet. He was straightening up the room when Lucian came in with the baby.

"Take him. He doesn't listen." He said, handing Jax to me. I laughed a little.

"Lucian, he's three weeks old, he isn't going to listen." Ragnar was on alert then. Since Lucian beat me, he does not leave me alone and he has vowed to protect me.

"Whatever, I have things to do. Take care of him yourself." He just left without even acknowledging Ragnar. Ragnar was so loyal to Lucian and for him to treat him this way really hurt him.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what Ragnar said about having something to do before we leave. That worried me because I suddenly remembered his conversation with the doctor, the fact that someone had to die. I was just afraid that someone was me.

I heard sounds on the monitor and went to see what was going on. I stopped outside the nursery door and listened as I heard Ragnar's voice.

"Your mom is an awesome person, Jax and I am glad to have met her but things are going to have to change if we want to run away together like she has planned." Change? Run away together? What is going on? I walked back to my room, trying to figure out what he meant by that.

When I got back to my room, I sat down on the bed and went to turn off the baby monitor but it was gone. I looked all over the room trying to find it but I couldn't. I even looked in my blankets but I didn't find anything.

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now