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I began to panic. He knew about my plans to leave. If he knew about that, does that mean that Lucian knows? I hope not, he'll kill me if he knew about it.

"I haven't told Lucian. He won't know about this at least he won't hear about it from me. But I need to know are you planning to run away? " Could he be trusted? He did tell Lucian about the group, will he tell him about this?

"I...yes, I was planning on running away. I can't keep living like this. I'll die." Ragnar just nodded. He opened the baby's bag and pour everything all over the bed before I could stop him.

"Were you planning on taking the baby?" I just nodded. I suddenly couldn't find my voice. Ragnar has grown close to Jax and I really didn't want to take Jax away from him but this was no place for a child and I hope he knows that. I could tell he was upset as he walked to the door.

"I won't tell him. I promise. But you better make sure that this is what you really want to do. You can't come back if you change your mind." He then left. I turned and sat on the bed as I heard him on the baby monitor, playing with Jax.

I cleaned everything up and put the bags in the closet. I walked over to the nursery and saw Ragnar was sitting on the window bench, reading Jax a story. I smiled as I stood in the doorway. I let him finish before I spoke up.

"Come with me." He looked up at me. "I mean us. Come with us, Ragnar. I mean, he will kill you once he figures out we're gone. Just leave. Anything is better than here." He looked down at Jax who was playing with him feet.

"Do you really think that this is a good idea? Think of the baby. You are taking him away from his father."

"What father? Lucian has held him once since he was born. I can see it in my son's eyes that he thinks you are his father. Besides, I am thinking about Jax. I am doing this for him. This is no life for a child, Ragnar." I could see understanding in his eyes as he stood up, handing Jax to me.

"I'm not his father. And if you are going to do this, you're doing it alone. I may hate Lucian, but I will remain loyal to him."

"Yeah, because keeping secrets is so loyal. Ragnar please understand why I have to do this." He just walked out. I felt the tears fall from my eyes as my son let out a squeal. I set him down and started playing with him.

I woke up to my son screaming that night. I ran into the nursery and found Lucian standing over his crib. I had no idea what was going on but I knew something was wrong. I turned on the light and made my way over to him. Jax didn't seem physically hurt but he looked afraid.

"What's the matter?" I asked but Lucian didn't answer. He just kept looking at our son. "Lucian? Is he hurt? Hungry? What is wrong with our son?" I yelled. Yelling always seemed to get Lucian's attention. He looked up at me and slapped me.

"I don't know what's wrong, human? He just won't stop screaming." I looked down at Jax and I could tell he was scared. I picked him up and started rocking him. He seemed to calm down a little but every time I went to put him down, he'd scream. Ragnar finally came in and tired to help but nothing would calm him down.

"I'm getting tired of this. Why can't you get him to stop?" Lucian yelled. I handed Jax over to Ragnar and stormed over to him.

"Excuse me but I don't see you trying very hard to help. We are doing the best we can. So if you don't mind..." I was cut off when Lucian hit me but this time, he knocked me to the floor. I tried to get back up but he just kept kicking me. I couldn't catch my breath and I couldn't think of anything except the fact that Jax was still screaming and I didn't want him to see this.

Finally, with one swift kick to the head, Lucian decided he was done. He walked out of the room, Jax stopped screaming, and I blacked out.

When I came too, I was confused. My sight was worse than before and my head was pounding. I sat up and found Ragnar sitting next to me with the baby in his lap.

"The baby stopped screaming the second Lucian left the room He was very upset about that. Here, I'm not allowed to hold the baby anymore." Ragnar explained, setting Jax in my lap. I couldn't make out his face but I could hear the pain in his voice. He loves Jax and for him to no be allowed to hold him anymore caused him a great deal of pain.

"I'm sorry, Ragnar." I said as Jax started playing with a strand of my hair. "He's afraid of his own father." I continued, placing Jax on the floor.

"I'm coming with you, Mavis. Whenever you run, I'm coming with you."

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now