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The first night was much like the last. Even with the IV I was still throwing up but at least my headache was gone. I was up all night again with tiny cat naps in between trips to the bathroom. Ragnar was ordered to spend the entire night with me. It was his job to make sure I was okay.

Once morning came, I felt a little better. Ragnar made me breakfast and he let me sleep until about noon when he brought me some lunch and he changed the IV bag just as the doctor told him to. He didn't speak though, which was annoying but I didn't really mind. I was starting to get my strength back and I was able to sit up on my own and I was able to keep food down. So it was a pretty decent day.

Until Lucian ruined it. He stormed in demanding that I wake up and join him for dinner. So Ragnar, being the good little servant helped me downstairs. IV and all. Once I was set up at the table, Ragnar went to fetch our food. Leaving me alone with Lucian. We stayed silent for a while, neither of us wanting to be the first to talk. Finally, he gave in.

"You were not at breakfast or lunch. Mind giving me an explanation." Seriously? I haven't seen him for two days and now he's made because I didn't come to the table for a freaking meal? He has a lot of nerve after what he's done to me.

"I was still very weak this morning. My apologies. I was still sick last night and didn't get much sleep. I was finally able to fall asleep this morning." I answered. He simply nodded as Ragnar came in with our food.

"Are you better?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"I'm getting better. I'm not one hundred percent yet."

"Why not?"

"Because it doesn't work that way, Lucian." I yelled, slamming my utensils down. He looked furious.

"Ragnar leave us." I was suddenly afraid. Lucian stood up and slowly made his way to me. I knew better than to talk to him like that but he got the better of me sometimes. After what seemed like forever, he leaned up against the table and placed his cold hand on top of mine. He gritted his teeth as he ripped out my IV. I screamed out and held my hand to my chest as I suddenly felt his nails (still sharp even though they are filed down) digging into my cheeks.

"Here is how this works, that baby lives, you live. Plain and simple. You let it die, I will kill you myself." He let go of my face and I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Ragnar!" Lucian yelled. Ragnar ran back in. "Hook her back up and get her out of my sight. I'm taking my dinner in my office." Ragnar ran over and put my IV back in before helping me upstairs. I couldn't stop crying. I never thought I'd be living this life. Never. Lucian was a monster. An abusive monster that only cared about himself and what he wanted. Ragnar was just as helpless as I was. He couldn't stand up to him. Lucian would probably kill him.

"You need to stop making him angry. He will kill you regardless of that baby if he finds you to be too much trouble." Ragnar said, sitting by the window. I just wiped my face and sat myself up. He wasn't serious?

"I can't believe you're taking his side." I said, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand. He leaned forward in his chair.

"His side? Really? I'm not taking anyone's side, human. I am only trying to make sure everyone is happy, including you."

"You knew exactly what he was going to do to me didn't you? You brought me here with the big talk of cooperation no matter what was asked and...ah." I placed my hand to my head as it started pounding.

"Your head hurts when you get upset."

"You think?"

"You know what? I'm just trying to help you. You could at least show a little appreciation." I felt my jaw drop.

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now