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Ross offered me another ride home and I took it. I told him about my fear of dying but he reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. Once I got home, I went up to my room. This was a fear I couldn't ask Lucian about, he didn't know. All the girls he did this to died by now. I placed my hand on my swollen belly and sighed.

"You better not kill me." I said to my unborn child. I sat down as I realized that this is the first time I talked to the baby. I wanted nothing to do with him so I just ignored him. How do you love something when it ruined everything. This baby didn't ask for this. I know I sure didn't but sometimes things just happen.

"Come on, human. Doctor's here to see you." Ragnar said, waking me up the next morning. I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"The doctor doesn't come until tomorrow." I said, standing up.

"Well he came today. Let's go." I got dressed and made my way downstairs. Why was he here today? I hoped everything is alright. For my sake, everything better be alright.

"Good, you finally decided to show up." Lucian said as I walked in and sat down on the table. I ignored him and looked to the doctor. He looked a little worried. Suddenly, so was I.

"Look. we have never had a baby last this long. So I am a little worried about his health. I had a human die yesterday after delivering her child. The baby was human so that makes me worry about you. I'm going to start coming here more often. Just to make sure everything is going smoothly. We aren't doing a full check up today. I just want to take some blood and I'll be back tomorrow." Ugh, blood? I hated needles. I helped him get it over with as soon as possible and I went back to my room.

Jaime's death and the doctor talking about losing a patient was starting to scar me. I didn't want to die. I looked down at my stomach and started crying. This baby was going to be the death of me, one way or another. And Lucian told me the only reason I'm still alive is because of the baby. If anything happens to him, I'm screwed. I couldn't help but think of my life ending in two months. That's all I had left. Two months.

I found myself walking over to the baby's room. Something I haven't done before. I stood in the doorway and watched Ragnar try to assemble the crib. I laughed once I figured out he had no idea what he was doing.

"Need help, Ragnar?" I asked walking in. I walked up to him and realized he hasn't even touched the directions. "Wow, even Delfunie men won't read directions. Give me that. That doesn't go there." I opened the instructions and began building the crib. Ragnar just watched, amazed that I was able to do that. I quickly got it standing and it was up in no time.

"How did you do that?" he asked. I just laughed as he helped me up and I sat on the window bench.

"Uh my husband. He didn't know how to do this stuff either. I put together our daughter's nursery." I explained. I started putting baby clothes away in the dresser that was already built. I actually spent the next hour helping Ragnar set up the bedroom.

Once we were finished, Ragnar and I sat down and looked at the finished product. The room was painted days ago and now all the furniture was in place. I was following blankets and putting them in the closet when the baby decided to do three summersaults. I grabbed the door frame for support and placed a hand on my belly. Ragnar ran over and helped me to the window bench.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I just nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah, the baby's fine. He just likes to move around. It just...he does it so much and he's so strong." I explained. He looked at my stomach and nodded.

"I wasn't asking about the baby. I was asking about you." I looked up at him, surprised that he even asked me that.

"I...but I don't matter. Jax is the one who matters, not me." Ragnar looked really shocked when I said that. He looked mad as he stood up and began to pace in front of me. He was about to say something but I cut him off with a scream. It felt like someone was tearing me apart from the inside out. Ragnar suddenly picked me up and ran me down the stairs. I never stopped screaming which caused Lucian to come wondering out.

"What's going on?" He asked. Ragnar didn't answer, he just got me to the medical room and set me down on the table before turning to face Lucian.

"Call the doctor, something's wrong."

The doctor came in record time and started examining me. I had calmed down some but the pain was still so intense. I had no idea what was going on and that scared me. If something happened to Jax, Lucian will kill me. The baby is what mattered, without him, I have no safety net. Without him, this is nothing to stop Lucian from killing me.

"Okay, here is what I can see; the baby seems fine. His heartbeat is strong and there are no signs of distress. No, here is where the pain came from, all Delfunie are born with a set of teeth and claws. They develop somewhere between the first and second month. That might have been the pain you felt.

"Now because of that, I'm putting you on bed rest until further notice. We are not taking any chances when it comes to you and the baby." The doctor explained. I just nodded.

"So we have nothing to worry about?" Lucian asked as Ragnar came in to help me back to bed.

"No, my fear at this time is bleeding. Your child has claws Lucian, at this point your son is dangerous to her. She's human. Delfunie mothers, their bodies are made to protect them against this. Mavis has nothing. She could bleed out." I was suddenly panicked. I turned to Lucian, furious.

"Did you think when you decided to do this? Do you have any idea what you've done to me? Do you even care? But I guess because you don't have to pay for this, it doesn't matter as long as Jax is okay right? Because he's really the one who matters, right?" Ragnar just grabbed my arm and led me upstairs. I just sat on down and sobbed.

Lucian stormed in a few minutes later and stood in front of me.

"Ragnar, leave." He ordered. I looked to Ragnar, suddenly scared but he had no choice. He had to leave. I watched him as he shut the door and I was alone with Lucian.

"What have I told you about talking to me like that?" He took a step closer and I just climbed further on to the bed. I had nowhere to go and I was afraid for my life.

"Lucian, I'm sorry. I didn't...I just...I was upset and I...I let it get the better of me. I..." My face stung from where his hand met my cheek. He suddenly grabbed me by my neck and pinned me against the headboard.

"I'm only going to say this once, talk to me like that again, and I will kill you. You are playing on my last nerve, human. Do not test me." He let me go and I fell on the bed and just watched him leave. He is someday going to kill me. One way or another, he will kill me.

I spent the next three weeks in bed. The doctor came every few days to make sure everything was fine. I was still sore but the baby was no longer clawing me.

"The doctor is here to see you, human." Ragnar said, walking in my room. I put my book on the nightstand and stood up. He helped me and led me down the stairs. I was about to be two months and I looked to be about six or seven. As I sat on the table, Lucian and Ragnar went to wait outside.

"Everything is still looking good, Mavis. There doesn't seem to be anymore cuts that I can see and you're looking a lot stronger today. Are you still in any pain?"

"Um, just sore mostly. Haven't felt anything new." I answered.

"Alright, here's my plan; your blood work came back and you're slightly anemic. I'm not worried but I am going to give you a pill for it that is completely safe for the baby. I'm going to take another round of blood work tomorrow to see how you're doing. Oh, and another two days bed rest." He explained.

"Two more days? You're killing me, doc." I said. He just smiled and sent me back to my room.

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now