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It didn't take long for me to show signs of being pregnant. To be honest, I thought I was dying. To be even more honest, sometimes I caught myself wishing I was. Once it was official and Lucian knew I was pregnant, he was no longer nice to me. He was only around when the doctor came.

I decided not to tell the group yet. I'm scared of how they'll take it. Maybe they'll think I can't be trusted or that I pose too high of a risk and they'll kick me out. I couldn't handle losing them right now, they're all I have left.

I decided to stay in bed today. I didn't feel good and no one came looking for me anyway. Ever since I got pregnant, I get horrible headaches to the point where I can't even stand. Ragnar helps, but he can only do so much.

There was a knock on the door and Ragnar came in.

"Are you feeling any better today, human?"

"You know, I have a name and it's not human. Even though I know you once were a human. I can see your mark." Ragnar quickly placed his hand over his neck to cover the mark that was placed there when a Delfunie changed him. Any Delfunie that was changed will have a mark.

"That is none of your business. Now, are you feeling better today?" He asked again.

"No Ragnar, I'm not. My head is pounding and I feel like I've been hit by a semi." He didn't say anything, he just nodded and handed me a pill like the one Lucian gave me a few days ago when I first woke up. I took it and almost instantly, my headache was gone.

"Can you leave the bottle? That's a miracle right there." Ragnar laughed with me.

"Hurry up and get dressed. Lucian wants to see you for lunch." Okay, that's different. It's been four days since he told me I was pregnant, three since the doctor confirmed it. I haven't seen him since then and now he wants to have lunch? What could he possibly want now?

Ragnar led me downstairs and into the dinning room. I paid attention this time so I knew how to get back. Lucian was already sitting at the table when we walked in. He barely looked up from whatever he was doing. He wrote something down and handed it to Ragnar before telling him to leave.

"So, Ragnar has been telling me you've been feeling discomfort the last few days. He seemed quite concerned." Ragnar was worried about me. Huh, could have shown it more.

"Um, discomfort is a huge understatement, Lucian. I've been pregnant before and I've experienced discomfort before but nothing like this." I answered.

"Mavis, I will be upfront with you on this. You are not the first woman I've done this to. I have attempted and failed seven times to conceive a child with a human. Not one child has made it past the first month."

"What happened to the mothers?"

"They died, Mavis. But this time I'm going to be smart about this. The doctor is coming by later to do a check-up and he'll tell us what has to be done to make sure this goes smoothly." I couldn't believe this. He was risking my life to conceive a child? No, I was not okay with this.

"Smoothly? Lucian, don't you think that the reason the mothers keep dying is because they're human? But hey, it's not your life on the line so what does it matter? You'll just go out and find another poor soul to experiment on. No biggie."

"You shut your mouth human!" He yelled, standing up. "You will not speak to me like this or so help me, I will kill you and bring in another girl in your place." he stormed over and grabbed my wrist in one hand and placed the other one on my stomach.

"This is the only reason you're still alive human. Remember that the next time you start running your mouth." I felt tears sting my eyes as I cringed away from him. I was truly afraid of him and he just confirmed my worst fear. This baby is the only thing keeping me alive right now. Without it, he'll dinfinantly kill me. I didn't dare move as he just looked at me with his lifeless black eyes. He just squeezing my wrist until I yelled out in pain.

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now