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The next morning, my vision still didn't fully return but I was able to see. I was changing my son's diaper when Ragnar came in all cut up and bruised.

"You can see?" He asked, surprised. I smiled as I finished with the diaper and took Jax downstairs for a bottle.

"Yes. I mean it's blurry but I can see." Ragnar showed me where the kitchen was and we started making breakfast. Ragnar put Lucian's breakfast together and served him while I fed the baby. He still had a fever but it seemed better than last night. When Ragnar came back, he started working on our breakfast.

"Anything specific you want this morning?" He asked me. I just shook my head and placed Jax in his seat on the counter.

"Hey, I have to go out tonight but Lucian said I can't go without supervision. Can you take me into town?" He nodded as he went through the cabinets. He seemed a little off so I went back and played with the baby.

"What were you thinking?" He suddenly asked. I just turned to face him.

"What?" I asked. He stipped what he was doing and turned to face me.

"What were you thinking last night? He could have killed you but you didn't seem to care. I'd rather him hit me than you, Mavis. Don't ever do that again." I was shocked. He was mad at me because I stopped Lucian from hitting him? Why?

"Ragnar, I needed him. The baby was sick. Besides, he might have killed you if I didn't step in. I'm not apologizing for what I did." I turned and grabbed Jax to take him back upstairs. Ragnar stepped in my path.

"Look, I'm sorry but Lucian is dangerous. I don't want you getting yourself killed. I can handle him. I know him. I just don't want you to get hurt." I took a deep breath and shifted Jax in my arms.

"Okay, I won't get in his way anymore. I will just take care of Jax and stay away from him." He put his hand on mine and I smiled before taking Jax upstairs.

Ragnar shocked me by actually being able to drive. He drove Jax and I into town so I could go to group. I didn't tell him where I was going, I just told him to wait in the car. I took the car seat and went in.

"Mavis?" Alex came up to me, also carrying a car seat. I smiled as I set Jax down to give him a hug.

"Where have you been? We've all been worried. We had no idea what happened to you." I picked up the car seat and we walked into group.

"I'll explain it all in group." I said, bumping into a chair. My vision isn't one hundred percent so I still bump into things when I'm not paying attention.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. Everyone swarmed us then, asking how I was. What had happened? Why I disappeared again? Finally Ross got everyone to sit down and asked if I want to talk. I agreed and took Jax out of his seat before standing up.

"Hi, I'm Mavis and I'm a survivor of the Invasion."

"Hi, Mavis."

"Um, this is my son, Jax. He was born last week. He is actually five days old. I went into labor after the last meeting. I was only in labor for about thirty minutes or so but when he finally came out, I almost died, just like Jaime and so many other mothers but my doctor was able to save me. I was out for three days and when I finally woke up, I was blind. I couldn't see a thing but I was told my vision would return which it has for the most part. Everything is just really blurry." I put Jax back in his seat when Ross spoke up.

"And how is Jax?" He asked.

"Jax is great. He's almost completely human. He has claws and sharp teeth but he acts human. Lucian hasn't had much to do with him yet so I'm hoping that he doesn't get to him when he's older." Everyone seemed skeptical when it came to Jax and they have every right to be but I didn't mind. I just picked him up and felt that he was burning again.

"I'm sorry guys but I need to get him home. Bye." With that, I left and found Ragnar sitting in the parking lot. I jumped in the car and Ragnar looked mad.

"Is everything alright?" I asked once I mad sure Jax and I were buckled in safely. He just looed at me and for the first time since I met him, I was scared.

"What is that?" He said, pointing back at the building. Crap! I knew I shouldn't have come with him.

"I was just meeting a few friends. It's nothing really. I promise." I said, hoping he'd drop it. He turned to fully face me, his black eyes looking into mine. I felt myself panicking. I didn't think he'd find out about this so easily. I had hoped he would just stay in the car but he obviously knew something.

"If it's nothing why are you panicking?" He asked. I felt my mouth become dry and I started picking at my nails. Could I tell him the truth? Would he tell Lucian? Could he be trusted? I decided my best bet would be to tell him.

"It's a support group for survivors of the invasion. ISSG. Please don't tell Lucian. He'll kill me if he found out. Please." I pleaded. He looked back at Jax and sighed. He seemed to calm down a little.

"Do any Delfunie know about this? You know a Delfunie must be present at any human gathering." I just shook my head. "Mavis, you're breaking a law. You took Jax to this. What if something had happened to him?"

"I wouldn't have let anything happen, Ragnar. They are my friends, they wouldn't do that. Look, just please don't tell Lucian. He'll kill me for sure. Please don't tell him." He looked torn between what I was asking of him and what was required of him. I knew this was a lot to ask of him but I know what Lucian would do if he ever found out.

"Fine. I won't tell him but you can not come here anymore. I mean it. If Lucian finds out, he'll kill us both." I just nodded. I knew he was right. I suddenly knew what I had to do. I looked back at my son and knew what a life here meant for us.

"Crap, I left something in there. I'll be right back." He nodded as I ran back to the building. Group was just ending and I found Ross and pulled him aside.

"Ross, this place you found. When are you leaving?" I asked. He looked shocked that I even asked.

"About a month, why?" He explained. I just smiled as I took his hand.

"Because me and my son are coming with you."

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now