I Can't Be Without You

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"but we have to get Serena!! What if they move to another place and its too far for us to catch up. What if they find the tracking device. What if something happens to Serena. What if", i was cut off by a hand, gently being placed on my shoulder.

I looked behind me and saw that it was may.

"ash you have to understand that we've been running in the direction the tracker that clemont made has been showing all night. And now its the next day. And you know..... Clemont cant really keep up. Forget about clemont, none of us can. So just forget about it for now and take some rest", may gave me a small smile.

"what do you mean forget about it. I cant forget about Serena. Thats all i can think about right now. Saving Serena !", i snapped.

"ash thats the same thing that we're all think about right now, but you have to relax for a while and take some rest okay", she said to me in a concerned tone. I knew that i was acting like a pretty big jerk, but really, the only thing i could focus on right now was saving Serena.

"but may, i-", i was cut off by may.

"we'll search for her first thing tomorrow morning, and besides, its getting dark. We cant go running blind into a forest now can we ? Now you better come and sit at the table", she said, with her voice getting the slightest bit more tensed.

"5 am", i blankly replied.

"6", she said and walked to the table.  "no come and eat", she motioned to the seat beside her.

"fine", i shrugged and made my way to the table.


"hey ash, why aren't you eating?", brock asked me.

I didn't reply. I just continued to play with the food on my plate. I didn't feel like eating then, i was just worried about how Serena was doing or whether she was eating or not.

"ash", may asked, poking my shoulder.

"im not hungry", i stood up and said silently with my head facing the ground. I didn't want to be surrounded by anyone. All i wanted was to go and help Serena. Where ever she was.......

I went into my room and payed in my sleeping bag, alone with my thoughts. I couldn't fall asleep. Even two hours after clemont and brock had come into the tent and have fallen asleep.

Im was really worried with the way ash was acting. Him not eating. Somethings seriously wrong. I wanted to ask him but before i could he just stood up and left to his tent.
Me and ash, we had this brother-sister kinda relationship. I couldn't bear to see him like this. This is not how ash is. I know he is worried about Serena but he has to just chill a for a while. We're all worried for her and we're all trying our very bests to find her. I just hope he dosent do something too hasty. Like the way he snapped at me earlier. I don't want him to fo anything without thinking about it. He always does this for some reason. Maybe this is the reason for my crush on him before. Well know, i just not ed to be there to support ash. I need to help him to help his girlfriend. Ill do anything to help him feel better.


I couldn't take it anymore. I couldnt just sit here k owung that Serena could be in danger. I had to go and help her.

I quietly snuck out of my sleeping bag and grabbed Pikachu and my hat. I also managed to carefully take out the tracker from clemonts backpack. Thankfully it wasn't gaurded with some scientific security code or something. Knowing clemont, he might add something like that soon to his backpack.

"Pikachu", Pikachu yawned as i picked it up in my arms.

"sorry buddy but i have to get Serena", i said to it. Looking at the exit of the tent.

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