The Cold

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-Sungyeol POV-

-Few days Ago-

"Are you really going to sacrifice a girl for your Noona?!" Sungkyu exclaim.

"I got no choice." I answered.

Currently were in our practice room.
Sungkyu was arguing of how stupid of me to be sacrificing someone else just to help my sister.

"You're taking away some family, it not cool Sungyeol." Sungkyu says harshly.

"Well, what option do I have, her family started this first. And the only family member left for me is my sister. I can't, and never will let her died too." I fire back.

He looks angry but then turn calm and packs his stuff and went towards the door but stopped.

"If you're going to be like this, I quit, I quit being part of the team and being your friend. I don't wants to be friend with a beast." Sungkyu said before heading out of the room.

I stay still. Can I really kill her?

-Yeeun POV-
I wasn't feeling very well so I went to the nurse office. Just to throw up the moment I walk in.

The nurse teacher quickly came to me and help me to bed. Then cleans up the mess.

"Sorry, and thank you " I said. Feeling bad.

"It fine" she responded.

Minutes later my mom came to pick me up from school.

"Why didn't you tell me were sick" she ask. While driving us home.

"It just a cold " I said. "Nothing to worry, just a few naps and pills, then I'll be better".

But she didn't look convinced.

yah! Where you at????-Haeun message me.

Going home-I reply.

We got a meeting, afterschool today though- Haeun

Go to class-I reply.


Lunch time is probably going to be over any seconds now

I came out of my room. Wearing a dark ripped Jean, with a white t-shirt, and a blue sweater.

Apparently, my body changes, but still I just felt like going to the meeting. So headed there. Coming from downstairs, heading towards the door.

"Where you going?" My mom ask from the kitchen. She didn't go to work, called her boss she can't come because of me being sick. Parent, they worry too much.

"I have a meeting" I shout back, but it barely travel to the kitchen. Now I understand why boys with deep voice doesn't talk much.

I put in my sneaker and headed out.

When I got there the school gate was locked so I stay outside of the gate waiting for Haeun and the others.

My Curse( Infinite Sungyeol Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang