Detective of Tralla Highschool

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Don't you just have that mini heart attack when you drop your phone or that you enter a competition and the winner is going to called. That mini heart attack. Is what I was feeling when I saw Sungyeol standing behind me, panting he just stared and then ran quickly pass me. I was shocked for a bit because he just ran pass me. That was a close one.

Where did he go, Im pretty sure I saw him here. Who that standing there, whatever. ( run off).

-Yeeun POV-
I guess it is sort of dark at the place I was standing at. Finally I reached home, I went straight to my room. After a while I heard a knock at my door, I saw my mom head pop in, "dinner ready" she said.

" I'll come down " I said.

At the dinner table I sit and eat quietly, it usually like this, at least when there nothing going around. I get up of my seat and go take a shower then go straight to bed.

The next morning, I woke up get ready and ask my mom to take me to school,

"not having breakfast" she ask.

"I'm not hungry".

I head outside, got into the car. My mom came out and we leave. As I was in the car I spotted Sungyeol walking. It so weird now, I quietly lower my head so he won't see me. It just so uncomfortable looking at him now. Got into class, put my head down because all this is just too much. Close my eyes for a bit, and then a big loud bang came right into my head. I automatically lift my head and saw the girl from yesterday. Son Ji Yun.

I was quite mad, but I hold it in, because she look even more angrier.

"Why did you do that for " I said.

She stared at me

"you don't know what crime you have committed" she yelled.

I look at her and then notice that the class was staring at us too.

" what crime did I commit" I ask.

She look like she was irritated,

"YA"! don't act dumb, I detective of Tralla Highschool know what you are or should I say who you are"

I just kept quite. She lean forward and say

"yesterday after school I follow you home and I saw you".

I still kept quite. She continued

" you are not a girl, right".

After I hear those word I stand up automatically and dragged her out of the class.

" how did you know " I ask.

"I'm not telling you" Ji Yun said.

" what do you want " I ask.

" meet me at after school at my place" Ji Yun said.

" where the club place" I ask.

" room 120" Ji Yun said and left.

All morning those words have been bugging me, and I wasn't able to concentrate. Finally, school is over, I quickly go and find room 120. There it is the room I have been looking for, I open the door and there was like 3 person in there.

First there Ji Yun and the girl that sat next to me, Kim Ha Eun and a new girl that I haven't met. Ji Yun seem to be happy that I was here. I look at the room and it was a mess, I quickly says
" tell me, what do you want to be quite".

She look at me and said

" don't be in just a hurry".

Come in and greet my members, I look at her and was about to leave, when Ha Eun pulled me back and then lock the door. I was in shocked, then I look at the three of them, Ji Yun says

"this is Kim Ha Eun, you probably know her already"

isn't it obvious, I mumble to myself.

" and she Yuya Yoon, she from the United States".

I just kept quite and Ji Yun told me to sit down. I thought to myself where should I sit , there no where to sit.  And Yuya just force me to sit by pushing me down on my shoulder. I just sit down too, Ji Yun start talking about how things work in the club, I interrupt her and say

" who told you about me"

she stopped and clear her throat and said

" no body I found it out myself ". She said.

"how " I ask.

It all started when you rejected my request, so after school ended I followed you home, while riding my bike because your car was going fast,

" just get to the point" I said.

She look at me and continue,

"well I saw a young handsome boy came out of your house, so I decided to follow him, than you staying inside the house, at least that what I thought, I follow him into the convenience store. I thought that it might be better to stay outside of the stored, when he came out I quickly follow him, until I saw class president talking to him, so I hide, when class president leave I follow him again, until I saw that his leg got shorter and his hair just automatically grow, I hide so that he doesn't see me, but when he turn around I thought that it may have been an illusion but it wasn't, I clearly saw that it is you Yee Eun" She pointed at me.

I just says " was that all "
and she nodded.

"what do you want, so that you won't talk or tell anybody, also both of two of you too, Ha Eun and Yuya". I ask them.

They stared and say will go with Ji Yun decision. I went back and stared at Ji Yun. She stared back and say

" I want you to join our club".

I look at her for a moment and said, do you want money?  She look like she was thinking for a moment and said, nope I want you. I stand up and said

" I'll think about it" and left.

I could hear Ji Yun and the others laughing.

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