The Search Begin

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The next day, luckily it not a school day because it will be too awkward facing Sungyeol. It was 12 pm, and my mom and dad went to work while my younger brother is in the living room watching Pororo. I was in the kitchen going to have a glass of water. When I suddenly heard loud banging, knocking on the front door. I almost spilled my water.

I walk to the door and open it. There they are standing in front of my house, looking pissed. When I saw them I immediately close the door, but when it 3 versus 1 of course I'm going to lose. Ji Yun, Yuya , and Ha Eun, they all came into my house without any manner. And start talking to each other's

Ji Yun: why did you leave yesterday without telling us?!

Ha Eun: yeah, Yee Eun.

Yuya: if you were there we would've stay longer.

They all start talking at the same time (overlapping conver)
" YA! Everybody be quiet!" I said in a loud voice. They all went quiet even my younger brother.

" I'm sorry"( in English). They all froze except my younger bro. Who kept watching.

Ji Yun : WHAT! (Korea)

Ha Eun: WHAT(Korea)

Yuya: I accept your apology. ( in English)

Yuya whispered to the other too that I said sorry. Okay they both said.

"so what do you guys want" I ask.

" let go around the city, I thought that it be nice to take you in a tour" said Ji Yun.

The other two nod their head. I look at them suspiciously.

"I don't want to go " I said.

"Wae?" Ask Ha Eun.

I still have to stay home with my brother. Yuya went to my younger brother name Ji tae direction, and said

"I'll babysit him. So you guys could just go. "

Ji Yun and Ha Eun smiled at me and I stare back.
Yuya: what your name, and how old are you?

Ji tae: my name is Ahn Ji tae, I'm 7 years old.

Yuya: ohh.

I went back to my room and they both follow me,

"what are you guys doing" I ask forcing them a glare.

"nothing said Ji Yun

"sigh" I pulled out a black sweater and put on gray pants. I came out of my room and they both look at me.

"what are you wearing" askHa Eun.

"you have no style at all" says Ji Yun. I just walk downstairs.

Ji tae: Noona where are you going?

"I'll be going out for a bit, I make sure to be back before dinner and behave yourself" I said.

Ji tae: ne.

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking to you, Yuya" I said.

Yuya: don't worry.

"Also there food in the microwave" I said before I left.

I head out and Ji Yun and Ha Eun followed behind.

When we got to Main Street, they both start acting weird, they pulled me over and we hid behind a bush near a cafe. It say " Flower Cafe".

"what are you guys doing" I ask.

Ji Yun: Shhh, don't talk loud

Ha Eun: right now, we are looking at someone very special and I think that he might have some type of secret.

I look at them really disappointed.

"you guys lied to me? " I say angrily.

Ji Yun: we didn't meant to, if we don't do this you won't come out would you.

"Isn't that obvious" I said.

Ha Eun: you are part of our group.

" I'm going home, I am not going to stalk anyone" I said.

But then they both pulled me over. "would you stay still" they both said to me.

"This person is really important, and it may be the best secret we will ever discovers" said Ji Yun.

I look at the person we were stalking and saw Sungyeol, I quickly hid myself. For a moment there I could hear my heart beating real fast.

"I'm not Jeong Ji , I'm Yee Eun. I'm Yee Eun. I kept saying that to myself.
What wrong with her now. Why is she acting so scared.

I pulled their head together with mine and say if I join this stalking, Ha Eun interrupt and say

"we're not stalking".

I look at her for a moment and continue

"like I say before if I join this whatever we're doing then will you keep me out the next time, not next time but all of it.

They both nodded.
" okay is it a deal" I ask.

"deal" they both said.

And the search was on. After 3 hours of spying on Sungyeol we didn't get anything.

"unnie, I'm hungry" Ha Eun say to Ji Yun. I'm hungry too. She say.

"okay we will end this stalking for today" I said.

"again we are not stalking " say Ha Eun.

We went back to my house it was around 3:55pm. When I enter my house, my body changes into a male body and I know right away. They all stared at me, I sit down on the sofa. Yuya, Ji Yun ,and Ha Eun came closer to me and stared at me.

"Yah, stop staring already". I said to them with my deep voice.

They all look really surprise.

Ha Eun : I have to admit you do look really handsome. The other two nodded.

I stared back at them. And they all turn away. I "sigh".

"ya, don't even think about" I warn them.
Think about what" ask all of them.

"Good keep it that way "I said to them.

I went up to my room and changes my clothes to sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. I pulled out my phone and called Sungyeol.

"annyeonghaseyo" he answer.

"Oh it me, Kim Jeong Ji" I said.

Sungyeol: oh Jeong Ji. So have you made your decision?

"Yes, in fact I did" I said.

Sungyeol: so what is it?

"I decided to join your band, I could play the guitar and the piano" I said.

Sungyeol: good that exactly what I want. Meet me at Flower cafe tomorrow at 1pm.

I hang up and went downstairs.

"Why are you guys still here, shouldn't you guys go home now" I ask.

They look at me and shook their head.

"Can we stay a little longer" Ha Eun ask.

I pushed them out of the room and kick them out outside. They were banging on the door and making lot of noise but I told Ji tae to ignore it or either put the tv louder. I went to my room. And later on my parents came home.

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