A member of the Healing Band

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After the audition that was days ago. I thought to myself. I wake up and walk to school without letting my family know. When I got to school I saw Ji Yun and she also saw me too, with the others.

"ya! Come here , quickly" said Ji Yun.

I just continue walking, instead of running.

"what do guys want" I ask.

Ji Yun said " this is top secret, We must keep it to ourselves"

They all nodded. I just kept still. And Ji Yun start saying

"I think that our class president may like his own gender"

Yuya said in a loud whisper voice

"do you mean he g..gay?!!!"

SHHH said Ji Yun.

I lifted my head and was about to leave when the others ask

"where you going ".

I respond

" I don't know where you get your information but it false".

"how would you know" ask Ji Yun.

I turn back and pulled out my phone and texted her something and leave.

"what this" ask Ji Yun.

"Class president is in a band called the Healing band", there was photos too. ( it was taken secretly)

" wow, she really is better than us, she even got pictures to prove it too." Said Ha Eun.

The others nodded. I came to class and puts my head down on the desk. I just closed my eyes and wait until class start.

After 1st period -
Ji Yun came to my desk and asked me

" how did you get this "

I reply " I don't know "

" why aren't you answering properly" asked Ji Yun.

I just stared at her.
" fine fine, if you don't wants to " said Ji Yun.

" can you come to the club room after school" asked Ji Yun.

" maybe" I reply.

" I'll take that as a yes then " said Ji Yun.

After school-
I just headed out the school entrance without going to the club room. But then I got dragged by someone, I turn around and saw Ha Eun and Yuya.

" what are you guys doing" I asked them.

" unnie, told us to get you " said Yuya.

I Just stopped and told them.

" let go first then, I could walk on my own " I said to them.

They let go and the moments they let go I quickly ran away. Ha Eun and Yuya look confused for a second and start to chased after me.

" it just going to be a weird topic again. Maybe we are just going to stalk someone again." I thoughts to myself while running. They kept chasing without stopping too.

I was running nonstop until I run into someone. I look at him he was the rude person from Sungyeol band. Since I don't like him, I just kept running without saying a apology.

Then, when I looked back Ha Eun and Yuya wasn't in my sight anymore. So I stopped and catch my breathe. I was about to pulled out my phone to looked at the time, but then it wasn't on my pocket or in my backpack. I panicked,

"where did I put it" I said to myself.

I think for a moments. I must have dropped it when I bumped into him.
Urg, what kind of bad luck is this. I went back to the place where I bumped into him, but he was gone. So I just went home.

The next day-
When I arrived at school, Ji Yun and the others haven't arrived yet. I went to my desk and put my head down. Suddenly I felt a tapped on my head nonstop tapping, I thought that it would be Ji Yun or Ha Eun. And said

"YA! Quit it"

" oh, sorry" I could hear a voice and it wasn't Ji Yun or Ha Eun voice but a male voice instead. I looked up and saw Sungyeol.

" oh, sorry, I thought that you were Ji Yun " I said to Sungyeol.

" it fine, here, I think that you might want this back " Sungyeol said.

I looked at it and it was my phone.

" umm, yeah, how did you found it " I asked.

" actually, my friend found it, and asked me if I know who this is and I reply yes" said Sungyeol.

" thanks " I reply back.

Yesterday at Sungyeol place-
" here do you know who this is " asked Sungkyu.

" what is it" Sungyeol respond.

" some crazy gal, bumped into me and dropped her phone, she was wearing your school uniform, so I thoughts you might know her" Sungkyu said to Sungyeol.

" let me see" Sungyeol said.

"Here "said Sungkyu.

"Hmm, yup I know her she my classmates" said Sungyeol.

" I'll give it to her tomorrow" said Sungyeol to Sungkyu.

" Kay" Sungkyu said. And he went to the practiced room.

Sungyeol POV-
Where have I seen this phone. It looks really similar. Hmmm, ahh right it similar to Jeong Ji phone. But there a lots of phone that looks alike. Let see, if the passcode is the same. ( incorrect) oh I guessed it a different phone but the same phone case.

Back At school Yee Eun POV-
Was it a wise choice to change my passcode? I thought to myself.
Look like that they didn't went through it.

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