The students cheered and started talking. It took five full minutes for them to stop. "This year we will be going to Greece," Mr. Grep continued, more murmers starting up. "We will be there for a week, and staying at an old collage that is not in use anymore. You will be assigned a buddy, and on the day if the trip, you will both be given bracelets."

"These bracelets will stay on the whole trip, as only a special key can be used to take them off. They will allow you and your partner to get fifty feet away, no more. That means that you and your buddy will go everywhere together. But don't worry, there will not be any girls with boys.

"The price for you to go is $150, and needs to be brought here by Friday. The trip will be on Monday, and we will leave on Sunday. We will be taking a plane to and from, so be prepared. It will be a long trip, so bring something to do. Buddies will be assigned on Monday before we leave. Are there any questions?"

Students erupted into chatter, and they all stood to leave. Zayn didn't move, though, as he pondered all of this. Who would he be "chained" to for a week? He didn't like the thought of having to be with anyone at all. Liam tapped him on the shoulder, his way of telling him he was ready to go.

"I'm coming," Zayn grumbled, standing up. He glanced over to where Niall was sitting, but he was gone.


"Liam?" Harry asked later that day, when the boys were at Liam's, sitting on his bed and playing video games. Liam turned to Harry, and eyebrow raised. "I-I'm not going on the trip." Liam's eyebrows knitted together, and he paused the game, setting the controller down and turning to his friend.

"Why not? We've looked forward to this trip since first grade, and now you don't want to go?" Liam cocked his head to the side. Harry sighed, setting his controller down, also. It accidentally bumped Liam's, and it turned back on. Neither boy cared, or bothered to pause it again. They sat in silence for a couple minutes.

"I don't think I should go. I can't leave Gemma home alone for a weekend," Harry said finally. "I really want to go, I really do. But I can't. And besides," Harry said quietly, "I don't have the money." Liam laughed, making Harry cringe.

"You know who I am, right?" Liam asked, smiling. "My parents could practically pay for the whole trip!" Harry shook his head, looking down at the bed sheets.

"I couldn't ask you to do that for me. It's amazing that you let me and Gemma stay here, I couldn't ask you to pay for me for the trip, too." Harry sighed, playing with his fingers.

"Nonsense," Liam said, putting his hands on Harry's knee. "I want to. You're coming whether you want to or not. My servants will take good care of Gemma." For some reason, Harry giggled. He reached over and hugged Liam.

The video game screen turned red with fake blood. "Game over."


"Niall?" Louis asked, walking over to the fridge. Niall let out a hum as he hopped onto the counter. "Do you want anything to eat?" They both burst out laughing, laughing until their sides ached. "That was a good one. Let me rephrase that. What would you like to eat?"

"Well," Niall said, hopping down from the counter, wincing as he bumped his hip against the table, "that depends on what you have." He joined Louis in looking through the fridge. "I'll have this. And this. This, this, and this. Oh, and this."

"Leave some for me, will you?" Louis asked, gawking at how much Niall was taking. Niall giggled, then handed Louis a container from his stack. "What's in here, anyway?"

"I have no idea," Niall said, setting out his containers on the counter. Louis pulled the lid off, screamed, then threw the container. Niall burst into giggles as Louis blushed. "Did you see your face? Seriously, Lou, what do you think a rubber snake is going to do to you?"

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