"This is a good spot."

"When should we do this?"

"Tomorrow night. I'll bring him at seven. You better have it all set up and ready for when I bring him. Seven exactly."

"Okay. It's perfect. I've got it."

They left, and since school just ended, it was the perfect time.
Gabriel's p.o.v.
Gabriel was very nervous. He had found the most perfect shirt, and a jacket to go over it with a nice pair of jeans. He styled his hair in his signature style. He found a good blanket, some good books, a picnic basket full of food, and some candles to finish it off.

Would Sam forgive him, and if so, trust him? Gabriel really loved him, and he wished Sam would see that.

Gabe anticipated until the time became 6:40 pm, and he went out to the clearing to set up his spot.

He laid down the blanket, and set the basket on the corner of it. He took the candles out, lit them, and set the books in a good set up so it looked nice with the candles. He sat in the middle of the blanket, so the set up was around him. He leaned back, in a casual pose. He still had five minutes, and was starting to become very nervous.

Sam's p.o.v.
"Dean, where are we going?"

"No where. We are just walking."

"It's becoming late. Shouldn't we go home?"

"Why would we? It's beautiful out."

Sam decided not to argue. He continued walking, Dean making it obvious that he was pushing him into a certain direction. A thick cluster of trees showed in front of them, and Dean walked through them.

"This is where I stop. I'm not going in there." Said Sam, stopping.

"Come on, Sammy. Let's have some fun."

"Dean, no. We are not going to get in trouble."

"Samuel Winchester. Start walking."

"Fine." Sam started to walk, and eventually came up to a clearing. He didn't realize Dean had stopped and disappeared. He saw a little light up ahead, and kept walking. He was curious.

Eventually the clearing opened up and in the middle of it...


"Hello, Moose." He said.

Sam stopped short, and had to look at him. He had to admit, Gabriel did look good, besides the gash under his eye. But that didn't matter.

"Come here, Samuel." He said.

"No. No this isn't happening."

"Please." He pleaded.

Sam walked up to the edge of the blanket, and looked down at Gabriel. Gabriel looked up.

"Samuel, you wouldn't believe how horrible I have felt about this, about hurting you." He said. "I'm so sorry, and I hope you can forgive me. But I understand if you just can't." His eyes looked sad, but he had the smile that Sam loved. "I love you Sam Winchester, more than anything in the world."

Something in Sam released, a hard pressure gone from inside him. Like he was holding his breath. He sat in front of Gabriel, watching as he moved his legs so there was room. Sam smiled a bit at the set up; the books, the candles, Gabriel. "I do forgive you. I do." He nodded. Gabriel looked relieved, and took out the picnic basket. They ate, and looked at the stars. When they finished, Gabriel cleaned it up and looked at Sam.

"Oh yeah. I have something for you." He said, as he turned to the basket and pulled out a very nice, expensive flannel shirt.

Sam let out a little gasp. "How did you know I wanted it? Gabriel, that's so expensive."

"I remembered you saying you wanted it."

"I can't take that."

"Yes you can. And you will." Gabriel shifted to his knees, and unfolded the shirt. Sam pulled off his current shirt, and Gabriel helped Sam put the new one on since Sam still had the cast. Gabriel was buttoning the shirt. He sat back when he finished, and looked at Sam. "It looks nice."

"Thank you."

Gabriel moved some of the books, but left the candles. There was now space beside him, so he laid down and looked at the sky. Sam watched him for a while, and couldn't believe how amazing he looked, and that he really did love him so much to do this for him. Gabriel sat up, and noticed Sam was watching. "What?"

He didn't answer, just moved and sat in Gabriel's lap. He put his arms around Gabe's neck, and rested his forehead against his.

"Samuel, I love you." He sighed.


"What?" He sounded a little worried.

"I love you too."

Gabriel smiled for real, which made Sam smile. Sam decided it was time, and kissed Gabriel. Gabriel was a little surprised, but put his arms around him and kissed back.

Sam missed this, a lot. And they were alone. And it felt good. And he felt better. And he loved Gabriel, and Gabriel loved him.

Gabriel pushed off his jacket and put his hands up Sam's back.

Sam had never felt this good.

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