Sianna's Story

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"Hey master Splinter!" I say to Splinter curiously. He looks at me with a questioning look.

"Um why didn't Sianna let me touch DJ stuff?" I ask him and he motions for me to sit across from him.

"Allow me to tell the story of how Sianna met that dog who abused you." Splinter says and I get comfortable it'll be awhile. "Sianna had just gotten out from her over protective father's reign and had gone to a bar. While at that bar she met a seemingly harmless DJ. Little did she know, he was the freedom that she had been looking for. He pushed her to stuff she couldn't have done under her father's reign. That is until the DJ, or Jason as Sianna called him raped her. You were born soon after that and they stayed together to raise you for a while until Sianna moved away from him taking you with her." I nod and stare into space thinking. So my pops was a freaking DJ. I knew there was a reason that Sianna wouldn't let me touch the DJing equipment when we went into the basement that one time. I think about everything again.

"Sensei." I say quietly.


"Do you know why she called me a demon child?" I ask trying to understand the hatred for me that I felt coming off of her in waves.

"Child, unfortunately not even I understand that." He says putting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I nod and drop the subject. "I will however tell you what she said to me before she left. Hamato Yoshi if you betray that child like I'm about too, she will break. If your son Raphael breaks her heart I will find him." I laugh.

"That sounds like her." I say with a smile and Splinter nods.

"I have the same threat for Raphael though. If you break his heart I will find you. After all you do live with us." Splinter says and I laugh.

"Believe me I'm not mentally prepared for a relationship yet." I say and sensei nods approvingly. He basically allows me to skip training that day in favor of taking a shower and thinking through everything's that's happened.

"Jade, may I talk to you?" Leo asks me standing in the doorway to my room.

"Course c'mon in." I say and he nods, closing the door behind him. Good thing I have my tonfas in case he tries anything.

"Don't worry it's not like that." He says noticing my tension with him closing the door. "It's not locked. But I wanted some privacy before asking you this."

"Ok, but I still can't trust anyone completely man." I reply and he nods.

"Perfectly reasonable. Alright first question. Are you planning on killing us all?" he asks me catching me off guard.

"The hell? No, Leonardo, you guys are the only people, human or mutant to not call me a demon child right after you see me." I say a little ticked that he would even imply that I would.

"Then why are you here? I've rolled it over in my head over a million times and still can't come up with the goddamn answer." He says.

"You are my friends. Why else dumbass?" I reply angrily. "What's so wrong about that?"

"It's just like, you have no reason to like us. Nor talk to us."

"You sound like Raph. You're an idiot Leo. If you think about it you'd see that I'm someone who actually gives a damn about other people even when I'm going through hell, I don't care how y'all look or act. You guys are my friends and will always be my friends." I say sitting next to him on the bed looking straight into his navy blue eyes and explaining my opinion.

"Jade, thank you. And this question's a lot lighter. Do you like Raph?" Leo says putting more emotion in his voice than I've ever heard before. So that's his bad side. He never shows his emotions.

"Second person to bring that up today. And I will admit that yes I like sexy." I say smiling and he nods.

Leo POV:

When she admits that she likes Raph I can't stop the grin from coming to my face.

"You two are made for each other." I say to her and she playfully hits my arm.

"I figured your "bad" side out." She says out of the blue and I look at her.

"Well it's a sort of thing that I've been trying to figure out since I've been here. I've already figured Mikey's bad side out but the rest of yours are harder. Yours though I finally figured it out." Wait does she mean my emotions and how I don't show them.

"You should show your emotions more." She says and bullseye I was right.

"How'd you figure it out? Even sensei hasn't noticed." I say looking at her.

"Your thank you just now wasn't forced but it was a real thank you." She says with a thoughtful look. Her high spirits can't help but bring mine up as well. "I guess I should tell you why Splinter's training me though. You're gonna get caught in that war in a week." She says leaning on her hand as if pondering something.

The Dragon's Eye (a teenage mutant ninja turtles fanfic (tmnt))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat