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When I sit down to meditate I let my mind wander until it finds a subject that I can stick with. My current feelings for Raphael Hamato. I think about it a bit, and remember some very fond memories. I chuckle at one where Mikey and I water ballooned him and he chased us all over the lair, until he finally pinned Mikey down and I ditched Mikey locking myself in my room. I put my hands to my chin and open my eyes, I really do like him. Well he is a badass. I wince as I think about my mother just as Splinter comes out of his room.

"Oh Jade you're out here. Well it makes finding you easier. Would you like to continue training?" Splinter asks me and I nod.

"That'd be great sensei." I say getting up.

"Actually we're going through mind drills now." He says and I sit back down.

April POV:

As I enter the lair I notice that the dojo door is open and Jade is sitting in front of master Splinter doing the same drills I did. I wince in sympathy for the girl.

"Master Splinter." I say popping my head in the dojo door.

"Ah April. Perfect timing. I was wondering if you would spar with Jade. It would be good for her to spar with someone close to her level." Splinter says and I nod.

"Of course I will." I say taking out my sennin fan. She holds up two baton looking weapons and grins.

"I wouldn't recommend holding back by the way April." Splinter says "Hajime!" Jade and I circle each other sizing each other up. Finally she decides to take the first move and swings at my head with her weapon. I move out of the way quickly and counterattack. She blocks making it look almost easy. She recovers quickly and swings at me again. I catch the middle part of her weapon with my fan, barely missing my head with the spike. She notices my tension and kicks my legs out from under me before I could do anything else. She backs up putting enough distance between us that I couldn't kick her back.

"Stop. Very good Jade, April you did well as well." Splinter says and we both stop and bow to him.

Jade POV:

After I finish sparring with April Splinter congratulates and dismisses me. I start heading back to my room, but before I can I can't help but notice the DJ equipment in Donnie's lab. I don't know why he would have that but I smile. Before I can stop myself I walk in the lab and put my hands on the familiar equipment. It's been a long time since I've even got to look at stuff like this. This was the one thing mom never allowed me to do. I remember her telling me

"Honey I will encourage you to do anything except that one thing. Please don't DJ." She told me and now I shrug putting the headphones around my neck and playing one of my favorite songs. Fox Stevenson, Like You. Then I add some other stuff and make his voice less high pitched and grin. I play it over the speakers not realizing that the turtles April, Casey and Splinter are watching me curiously. I then move on to Madeon's Finale remix by Netsky and put my voice in there. I lean back with happiness until I realize I have an audience. I put the headphones down blushing and give an embarrassed grin after I stop the music. Raph smirks and comes over followed by Leo and the others.

"When did you learn how to do that? I've been trying to get that stuff to work for me for weeks."

"DJing is a touchy gig Don. You've gotta give your equipment love and it'll love you back. You force it to work for you and you'll end up out of a job." I say with a grin. "It's been a long time since I've been able to even touch DJing equipment." I say tapping the equipment happily.

"Well I think I'm gonna back to my room see y'all later." Leo says and eventually even Splinter files out of the room.

"Jade, Sianna would've been proud if she were in her right mind." Splinter says and I nod. Only Raph is left.

Raph POV:

It was like magic seeing her smiling like that. I couldn't help but stare because she was amazing. It's not often you get to see a live DJ of her caliber in person and what amazes me more is that she knows Netsky's remix of Finale.

"Damn Hái ér." I say to her and she laughs.

"I hope that was a good damn."

"It was an amazing damn. Will you play something else for me and spice it up your way?" I ask her excitedly and she gives a small smile.

"Alright, but one more song only." She says and I smirk. She puts the headphones back on her neck looks at the playlist on her phone and picks "Vain by Singularity right?" I ask her and her eyes widen with surprise.

"You know it?" she asks and I nod grinning. We end up jamming out to the song together. Then she puts the headphones back down and the moment fades. Well that is until I pull her close and kiss her forehead. She blushes adorably and gives me a small mysterious smile before pulling away.

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