New York

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"Honey pack your bags we're moving to New York." My mom had said a day before we up and left our house. We put it up on eBay for like 12,000 and got called after two days. Now we have an apartment in New York rented and ready for us to use when we get there. My mom does this every couple years. She's an artist, photographer and a journalist. When I asked her why we move every 2-3 years, or less than that depending on how big the city is she told me "I hate being in one place too long." I accepted the answer at the time, but now looking back I'm guessing its because my dad would be able to track us down if we stayed in one place. My dad abused me and my mother until my mother couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the house with me back when I was five. I don't remember a lot about him, but I remember he had a temper and whenever I did something wrong, he would hit me until I couldn't stand up. Mom was fine with him taking his anger out on her, but apparently watching him hit me was to much for her. I've still got a couple scars from his beatings so I'm glad my mom left him. Unfortunately though, it seems she's destined to be single from now on. That makes me sad because she's a woman who deserves a good man. Then there's me, that tomboy jerk and stereotypical skateboard junkie. I have like twenty skateboards and I have to many pairs of converse to count. On the other hand I have like no clothes because of that. However my mom's okay with my skateboarding addiction, because she's the type of mom who'll support you no matter what. It's awesome because she's really chill about me coming home a little late too, which is a great perk.

"We're here." Mom says and I get out of the car popping my earbud in and grabbing my clothes and the skateboard I skate with the most. (The board in the middle of the pic.) Mom grabs some stuff too and we get the key to our room and put our stuff down.

"Hey mom can I go grab the rest of my boards? Some of them are ya know a lot of money." I say protectively. Touch my clothes, touch my phone, touch my shoes and you're fine. Touch my boards without permission and I will hang you up by your nails.

"Yeah here are the keys honey." She says and gives me the keys to her car. When I get to the car I notice a blond haired, red eyed boy looking at the inside curiously.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Well I couldn't help but notice you have more than a couple skateboards." He says and I look at him.

"I'm a skating junky." I say with a shrug.

"Do you need help carrying some of them?" he asks me.

"Dare I trust you?" I ask him slyly. He shows me his board. I grin. "Sure man, then you wanna hang out?"

"Totally." He says and I pop the trunk and unlock the front where I grab my two other favorite boards. He whistles when he sees the trunk. "Got enough boards?"

"More than enough. And the tools to fix them and about 40 pairs of converse." I say with a grin as he grabs a few board tops because I took all the wheels off in prep for travel. I've learned that when it comes to taking care of your board you can never be to careful. We walk back up to my apartment and then go back to grab the rest. He grabs the rest of my boards while I grab my tools and my shoe bag, which is not easy to carry.

"Thanks a lot! I don't know how long it would've taken me to carry all those by myself!"

"No problem. Do you want and help putting them back together?"

"Nah. It's actually kind of fun for me to fix them up." I say with a grin. I take in my part of the apartment and frown. "You should give me your number and I'll text you when I'm done with trying to organize my stuff." He laughs and says "Here give me your arm." I give him my arm and he puts his phone number on it and leaves.

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