Dragon Wing Tattoo

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The next day April and I go to school and everything goes back to normal for once. At least it feels normal. Seeing Micah again after so much weirdness, it was well worth it.

"Hey Jade let's go skating for a bit after school." He suggests during art. I wince because I have work after school.

"I can't I'm working at a skateboard shop in the mall. I'm really sorry!" I say and he shrugs.

"It's alright." He says being chill about it. That's when I remember he's in the same grade as me so he's more mature than the middle schoolers I used to hang out with. The day goes by and when I go into work I see my boss looking at some new skateboards that just came in.

"Hey Jade! Come here I wanna show you these awesome boards!" He exclaims excitedly at me and I look to see a couple boards with eagles on them and a faded out version of the American flag, the flash version of the batman skateboards I bought and a board with really cool dragon wings.

"Hey boss, how much for the dragon wing board?" I ask and he says "Your wages for a week and you can have it."

"Deal!" I say and we seal it with a handshake. I'm starting to think I have too many boards that I don't use. "Hey boss say I have like ten skateboards that are in perfect condition and have been well maintained, would you buy them?" I ask and he winks nodding. Great! Now I have to decide which boards to get rid of. Oh geez now that's the hard part. Work goes by and after I bid my boss goodbye I slowly walk home with my new board and my favorite board under my arm. I'll keep the ones I just bought, but get rid of my oldest ones. I think as I walk into my apartment. Suddenly someone grabs me covering my mouth, I bite their hand and hear my dad yelp.

"Dad I shoulda known not to be so stupid. I'm a bloody idiot!" I yell at him and myself.

"Yes, you are demon child."

"Demon? Da frick pops! You've called me bad names in the past, but never demon. What are you hiding from me?"

"You're mother's the one you would trust to tell you, but your godforsaken powers are awakening!" he yells and I slowly move to the kitchen area. "I don't know why your mother waited so long to tell you about this! And then leaving you during the month before your sixteenth birthday! What the hell was she thinking?" he rants cornering me against a wall and punching me to the floor. He takes his knife out again and reopens the cuts he gave me earlier. I scream and scream until finally my hands light up in fire from anger.

"Stop!" I yell at him standing up.

"Finally, your blood betrays you girl! On your birthday next month you will be in more pain than you could imagine! You should be happy that I want to kill you!" he screams at me like a madman.

"Enough is enough, I will not let the child protecting the last of the dragon's blood die." I say in a deep voice that is not my own. It sounds harsh and vengeful.

"Let my daughter go!" my father screams at the voice. Oh my god you would think that the neighbors would hear us.

"I will not. Not until she serves her purpose as our sacrifice." The voice says giving a deep, dark, raspy laugh. Get out of me dragon! This body is mine! "How can you even think girl?" the voice asks before I push the dragon's out of my mind.

"Dad you have two minutes to explain or I swear to god I'll flay you alive!"

"Ok fine, I really don't know-" I glare at him as he begins to complain about mom "fine I'll start at the beginning. Have you heard of the Chinese legend of the Dragon King?" he asks me. I shake my head. "Alright well it is said that there were once four dragons that ruled over the sea and they could shape shift into humans. In your mother's side of the family it is believed one of them bedded with one of your long lost ancestors giving their offspring power to communicate with dragons and in some cases depending on how strong their minds were, control dragons to a certain extent. However this power came with price as the dragons always found a virgin child with red hair and deep blue eyes just like you, to sacrifice on the girl's sixteenth birthday, so they could keep living on. It is long believed that since Tre Long the last woman born like you, over a century ago that the dragons were gone. Apparently they aren't." He explains and I collapse to the floor dousing my hands.

"Teach me." I say quietly.

"Teach you what?" he asks me.

"How to fight the dragons." I say and he gives a maniacal laugh.

"Honey just accept your fate. No one can teach how to defeat dragons."

"I can't accept my fate and I believe that I can kill them." I say seeing the mirror behind dad and I look at my eyes. My eyes look like their burning with the flame of a dragons fire.

"I can't teach you anything I only know the legend." He says and I nod determined. "Have you seen your back by the way? I don't know what's happening back there but it's glowing." I turn around and see a tattoo of dragon wings that looks just like the wings on my skateboard.

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