(I really want this jacket)

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Monday night after I'm done working I look up at the sky to see it littered with glowing green capsules. And one just happens to be flying right at me as a raven is flying right in front of me. My eyes widen as the canister hits the raven and then me. I'm not affected by the green stuff until I notice that I'm hallucinating a giant bat carrying April to a really high ledge. Before I can even think I run after it.

"April?" I yell up at her.

"Jade?" she yells surprised and then see the glowing green stuff on me.

"Are you okay?" she yells down.

"Why the hell are you worrying about me? I'm fine! But you're being carried across the sky by a giant bat looking thing!" I yell at her before the bat flies to far up for me to hear her. Suddenly I notice my hands lit up with fire. First I scream, then I manage to knock the bat thing out of the air and with reflexes I never knew I had catch April.

"The hell?" I ask myself before putting her down.

"Um the hell is definitely the question." April says and I shrug.

"Looks like I'm dreaming or hallucinating thanks to that green stuff." I say.

April POV:

"You're definitely not hallucinating but I'm questioning whether I'm hallucinating or not." I say to Jade as her eyes and face change back from looking dragonish to normal.

"April where are you?" I hear Donnie yell from a roof top.

"That's my friend he can run blood samples on you if you want." I say and she nods cautiously "Down here Donnie!" I yell back to Donnie as Jade winces at the sudden raise in volume. This poor girl, she has no idea what's happening to her either. I wonder if she knows that she looks a bit like a dragon sometimes?

Jade POV:

"Wait skater girl?"

"You're the one from that night!" Two giant ass turtles say while pointing at me. I feel a wave of exhaustion pour over me and I collapse on April.

"C'mon guys. Can we help her back to the lair?" I hear April ask and one of the turtles picks me up gently. He has a red mask on and I hear a manhole cover being moved "oh god don't tell me you live in the sewers."

"Well we are turtles." A polite voice says as I'm dropped down the manhole to another turtle. I groan as the sewer smells assault my nose which seems ultra sensitive to everything.

"Here lay her down on the couch." Donnie, I'm guessing that's Donnie at least, tells the turtle holding me.

"Let me sleep first." I say giving my body into a deep sleep. Awhile later I wake up to see that I'm in the sewer. Oh yeah, April's friends are giant turtles. Okay I'm gonna go back to sleep and hope this never really happened, just kidding I know it did. I'm just amazed that there are giant turtles on the loose in New York. I sit up to hear a clashing sound through another door and look to see the red masked turtle and the blue masked turtle fighting, well sort of. I'm guessing they're training. I go back to the couch not wanting to interrupt their fight. When their done they come out of the room to not see me on the couch.

"Jade?" one of them calls.

"I'm raiding your kitchen." I call back. I pull out the only normal looking piece of pizza and take a bite. I like cold pizza, so it's pretty good. "Jesus some of y'all's pizza looks nasty." I say as the blue one appears.

"Well we are turtles." He says and I shrug.

"I ain't judging. And it seems y'all know my name but I don't know yours."

"I'm Leo. The red one who carried you here is Raph, the purple one with the high pitched voice is Donnie."

"I heard that!" I hear a high pitched voice yell in our general direction. I laugh.

"You're right he does have a high pitched voice."

"And the orange one is Mikey." Leo says giving me a few seconds to memorize their names. When I do there's an awkward silence and a giant rat comes up to me.

"Hello. I am Splinter." He says holding his hand out, I shake it and he looks at me strangely for a second, but the look vanishes as quickly as it came.

"We should go see Donnie so he can test your blood." Leo says and I nod still looking at Splinter curiously.

"Hey Don, she's here!" Leo says to Donnie before leaving me alone with Donnie and April.

"Hey Jade how you holding up?" April asks me and I shrug, registering a dull sore kind of pain coming from my back.

"The smell'll take awhile up get used to, but other than that I think I'm coming to terms with the idea of giant turtles."

"Mutant turtles. Would you role up your sleeve?" Donnie asks and I role my sleeve up.

"This might hurt a bit" he says before preparing my arm to take some blood.

"Compared to what I've been through lately somehow I doubt it'll hurt much." I say before he sticks the needle in my arm. I flinch and April gives me a comforting smile.

The Dragon's Eye (a teenage mutant ninja turtles fanfic (tmnt))Where stories live. Discover now