"What?" I said chuckling.

"You just never seize to amaze me that's all" he said shaking his head.

"Well that's a good thing, you got a lot more surprises in store baby boy" I said pecking his lips.

"Ah nah bring them lips back here" he said making me laugh, I leaned over and pressed my lips to his.

"Better?" I asked after we pulled away.

"Much better" he said smirking, I shook my head and got up to use the bathroom.

~2 hours later~

We were pulling up the house where the signal was coming from, it was pretty big well kept but pretty far from the main roads.

"I might just make her pay for making me walk a mile to get to this house" I said shaking my head.

"Noo, everyone knows the plan Cat you take T and them and go around back see if you can get in" August said looking at the three body guards we brought with us.

"Alright remember try not to argue with her and bring any attention to the front half of the house, I honestly feel like we should just ring the damn doorbell and call it a day" I said looking from the house to August.

"Well if she sees us she's gonna panic"

"Send Tyrell she doesn't know him have him say he lost control of his car and found the trail and needs help" I said quietly.

"....why wait til we get here to think of that? I mean its not dumb but I mean we had the entire walk babe" August said tilting his head.

"I was thinking it over in my head alright, I was working out the possibilities in my he-" I got cut off by the front door opening, my eyes flashed to August before I got pulled down to the ground, we peaked through the bushes and saw Alyssa walk out with Nayla running ahead of her with a bunch of toys on her arms.

"We got two choices Aug make ourselves known or stay here til they disappear again" I whispered looking over him, he looked at me and stood up.

"Alyssa I really thought you'd play a little better than that, just take my daughter and run?"


"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your wife and kids?" She said I could see the sneer on her face.

"Actually I'm right here" I said standing up followed by our three body guards

"Why are you here?" She asked picking up a fussing Nayla.

"Hmm why am I here? You took my damn daughter and disappeared the hell you think Alyssa?" Aug said clenching his jaw, I looked between the two of them and I already knew what it was.

"Your in love with him..." I said somewhat quietly.

"What? No I'm not" she said looking away, I started chuckling which turned into me full out laughing holding my stomach.

"How the hell was I so fucking blind?! You are in love with him there's no use in lying I've seen that face a thousand times but you wanna know what's funny I kind of saw this coming" I said nodding and folding my arms.

Everyone including August were waiting for me to explain what I meant but Alyssa knew she was caught so she stayed quiet and stared at the ground holding onto Nayla.

"Cmon now, don't tell me I gotta spell this out? She loves you so she takes Nayla here and goes on the run knowing you would figure it out, you come after them boom she drops the bomb but I'm here so the situation switches and the confession can't be made...you get it?"

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