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Kian and I plus the rest of my friends danced the rest of the night away, right now were eating dinner.

Jessica said she was going to the bathroom about 17 minutes ago. "Hey I'm gonna go find Jessica" I say and get up.

" I'll come with you" Sam says and starts to get up " No Sam you stay her I'll be right back" I say and leave to go find her.

I looked, in the bathroom, the janitors closet, anh where possible. Wait! Find the I phone app. I put in Jessica's number and it says she is on the 5th floor in the hotel.

I go to the elevator, and press the number 5 in the round button. It made a stop at floor 2 because someone else was getting on it was a mom, a dad and a little girl dressed in a purple long shirt, green leggings, and purple gym shoes.

The little girl tugs on the moms pants, the mom leans down to the little girls face and the mom asked what.

The little girl responded with " mom is she a princess" I smile and so dose the parents. The mom responds with " Tonight she is" the mom looks up at me and flashes a smile.

the little girl says to me " you look very pretty, you look like Cinderella" she gushes. I laugh and smile I bend down to the little girls level " Thank you gorgeous, but I think your the one that looks like a princess her." I flash my teeth

The elevator stops at floor five and the door opens. I wave bye to the little girl and her family and go out of the elevator.

I look down at the phone and its says that I am three doors away. The room number on the door says L5R53,
I put my ear up to the door to see if I can hear anything and I do truly hear something.

I hear groaning, moaning, screaming, heavy breathing. Oh shit please tell me she isn't. I look into the little peep hole and I have a clear view of the bed. Jessica is in there having the time of her life, but it's not with Sam.

I stumble back from the door and walk towards the window , its raining outside. The rain drops give it away. My phone rings in my hand. Kians name flashes on it.

The background is one of the many pictures me and him took on just a random day , it was raining out side. Just like how it is right now.

I was wearing dark wish skinny jeans, brown calf high boots, a military green jacket and a matron scarf and my hair was in a side braid. Kian was wearing a gray fleece jacket and his regular black skinny jeans and converse and a beanie on his head.

He was holding a black umbrella and I was standing in front of him, me in front of him. Face to face. And we were just standing there looking at each other. I can still fell that type of feeling from the exact moment it was taken.

I answered the phone " Where are you" he asked through the phone " fifth floor and hurry please, and just you" I say my forehead against the cold window. " on my way" he hangs up.

I see Kian come out of the elevator, he comes running towards me " What's wrong what happened" he asked frantic

" Jessica is cheating on Sam" I breathe out some small tears escape my eye. He runs his thumb across my cheek

" Hey, hey it's okay it's not your fault, It was her own choice to do that to Sam. Will it hurt them both? Yes. Will I never talk to her and probably go the fuck off on her? Yes. " Me and him chuckled

" You're  right, it's not my fault but I just feel bad for Sam you know? How are we gonna tell him?" I ask

" We're just gonna be upfront about it and let them hand it their selves" he said and smiled.

"Your right" I say

Its currently 12pm I am taking all of my things on my walls off like my pictures. My name that was tapped on my wall. A few posters.

I am going to be going to LA after graduation. And graduation is tomorrow. I feel totally bad about leaving my dad her by himself but he actually wants to go into the military and this whole time since he got out he has been at the gym and trading and doing a program.

And he actually leaves the same day I do, so me and my dad with the help of Kian are packing up the stuff I'm going to take to LA and my dads just taking pictures and onf of my old stuffed animals and one of my sisters as well.

I am packing up my room right now going through my clothes , I'm getting rid of about half of these I just don't like them and some are really small on me.

I packed up all of the things on my book shelves, and I moved my bed and desk and chair to the center of the room. I started to repaint the rest of the walls the same gray color with the white border.

I then packed up everything in my desk, and pushed my spinning chair into my bathroom. My dad is packing up the kitchen all the pots and pans I'm taking most to LA. Were selling the house fully furnished so I can't take my bed with me.

I am letting the paint dry right now. My cap and gown are in my bathroom on the back off the door, and I left out one straighter and curling iron because I don't know what I'm going to do with my hair.

I left out my makeup bag and my dress that I'm wearing tomorrow and my shoes. And I also left my graduation speech in there as well. On the little table I have in there on the back wall that the door hits.

My dad has his bag packed and I have my suit case as well. I just got to wait till tomorrow.

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