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Kian's pov (ooooh shit)

After roller skating for a little while we eventually retreated to the car and now I'm driving to show her a place.

"What are we doing here again?" She asks me as we pulled up to a stop, I got out and closed my door and went and opened hers up like a gentlemen.

I took her hand and we stood in front of the tree from earlier.

"You know how you in carved 'forever alone' on the this tree?" I say to her, she nodded "Well." I took out a pocket knife and crossed all of it out.

She had a puzzled look on her face , I then took her to the opposite side of the tree on it I carved out earlier ' will you be my girlfriend ?'

She covered her mouth with her hands " Aww oh my gosh yes." she said she threw her arms around my neck and I picked her up slightly and kissed her lips.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds before we pulled away , I then went back in and pecked her lips again. I set her down "How did you have time to do this." She questioned

"Well earlier when you were starring out into the water after our talk I snuk away and carved this and then sneakily came back." I smiled proud.

"Well that was really cute."She smiled "I try." We both  laughed."There is still one more thing I would like to do" I say, I dragged her back to the car.

I let go of her hand and went into the trunk of the car and got out a blanket " I would like to watch the sunset with my beautiful girlfriend" I said

She smiled we then climbed the hood of her car and sat and watched the sunset.

Mandy's pov

This is the sweetest things anyone has everyone for me
I thought, were cuddled up on the hood of my car with a checkered fuzzy wool blanket.

I sat in between Kians legs and leaned back against his chest, he had his arms wrapped around me

This place looked so mesmerizing, it truly looked like something out of a movie, or a painting. You could here the water moving from the wind, the trees rustling slightly, the crickets making noises.

We sat and watched the sunset, taking pictures of it as well, my one favorite thing to do it take pictures of anything.

Before I went to a carnival with my friends the mistake was that I took all my pictures and videos on snapchat and never saved any of them I still regret it till this day.

When the sun finally went down  I was getting sleepy my eyes dropped down a few times "Babe are you tired?" He asked "Huh! What pshhh no" I said startled he laughed

"I think we should get going now." He said I yawned "Hold on a sec." I said I slid off the hood walked towards the tree from earlier.

I took out my phone and went to the camera and turned on flash and took a photo of the tree I ran back towards the car where Kian was in the drivers seat.I got in, buckled up and and we drove home.

forever is a lie | kl | Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora