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"Well I was gonna do this later but, I'll save it till our date." He smirked "Trader." I shoved him playfully, we chuckled.

"Let's go." I dragged him to the bridge it was about 14 feet off the water then the water goes down about 11 feet , I leaned against the railing of the bridge.

"When I was little my dad took me up here before but I don't remember it really he told this to me a few years back, but he said that every time you flip a coin into the water below a wish has been made and a star will shine brighter." I say to him looking far out into this place

"When I was little my dad told me that if I didn't eat all my veggies that a green monster would come and get me while I was sleeping." Hje admitted

I busted out laughing "Are you serious?!" I asked he nodded "Don't make fun of me I'm fragile."He whined.

"Come on let's go we need to get ready for our date. " he smiled, I smiled back in return he held his hand out intertwining our fingers together.

S K I P  M A L L

When we got home I ran straight to my room to get ready for our date, I got into the shower after stripping out of my previous clothing.

I washed my hair with blue raspberry herbal essence shampoo and conditioner and then I washed my body with the same sent by herbal. I shaved my legs with eos shaving cream.

I then stepped out of the shower and dried off I then walked into the bedroom that was connected, I put on my undergarments then walked to my closet got a big shirt and put that on.

After I let my hair air dry into nice waves I then walked towards my desk and grabbed my makeup bag from on there. I then put on nude eye shadow, winged eyeliner, eyeliner under my eyes and then put on some nude lip gloss.

I then walked to my closet and picked out an outfit, I don't know where were going and he said to dress casual so I dressed for in between; my outfit was a white buister with some lace at the bottom, denim shorts with some destruction and then a blue and tan colored flowy kimono.

I put my white high top converse on

I grabbed my phone and put in my pocket, I then walked out into the hallway, I then felt arms wrap around my torso and lifted me up I screamed "Shh shut up. " laughed Kian

I turned around and hit him " You scared me." I say mad    " Aww calm down babe it's okay I'm sorry." He pouted his lip out I looked him up and down, he is wearing a black and white beanie, a captain america shirt and blue jeans and black converse.

"You look hot." The words slipped out of my mouth with out registration "Thanks,you look beautiful as well." He smiles "You ready?" He asked I nodded. We then got into out car and drive to the place where out first date will be.

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