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Kian's pov

I'm such a terrible ass boyfriend, why would she still want to date me. 

I need to go see her. 

Mandy's pov

Today sucked ass I got pushed into the lockers luckily I have amazing friends that stand up for me no matter what. Also I got called many names I don't want to say or think about it.

I got home and went into my room closed the door, threw my bag and board on the floor and took my shoes off and went and jumped on my bed and cried into my pillow.

While I was crying I must have fallen asleep, when I woke up it was 6 and I heard sounds downstairs. I went into my bathroom and made sure my makeup wasn't smeared thank god for waterproof makeup.

I went downstairs and there was no surprise my friends in my kitchen looking for food " you guys could text me you know" I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

They all jumped and screamed and Mary who was drooling over the cookie box jumped and made them go all over the floor "No my cookies!" She cries and lays on the floor with them.

"Alright who gave her drugs." Jessica says and was sitting on my counter pointing at Mary "Her mom did." I say bluntly giving a straight face. "You think i'm joking too. Guys she is high af right now. Her mom doesn't care." I say and grab a water and jog back up stairs into my room.

I slammed the door, I started throwing things around my room pissed. I accidentally threw a picture frame with Kian and I in it. I started crying




"Babe let us in." Mel said " No, I look gross." I cried 

I heard them whispering and then the door flew open "How did you guys get in?" I question 

" we picked the lock duh?" Carli said and plopped down on top of me "Ugh" 

"What happend over here?" asked Jessica pointing to the corner of my room "Nothing." 

"really bish?" 


"Can we watch a movie?"Sarah asked

" I don't know can we?" Jenna asked

"stfu ass wipe." Sarah said

"chill fam" Jenna said 

"Dat Boi" carli yelled

"If you fucking say that again you're not allowed in my house anymore." I threaten

"lets say the other words you hate" Tea said

"Panties" Mary said

"monitor" Marisa said 

"bet" jenna said

" the only ones I like at the moment are Sarah an Mel." I say

"RUde" Marisa, Mary, Jenna and Tea yelled 

"Some one is at the door for you" Mary yelled from downstairs

"How did you get down there so quick?" I yelled

"food was calling me" she straight faced

"how about call a pizza place and get three pizzas" I recommend 

"But i'll get don't worry" i sarcastically smile

"can I help y- Babe." I yell and jump in his arms and Kiss him

"I missed you so much." he says against my lips "I missed you so much too." i smile with happy tears going down my face

forever is a lie | kl | जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें