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I woke up to my alarm at 8 am I have dance practice again for my other two hip hop classes and my group dances.  

I turned of my alarm and got out of Kian's grip how did he not hear that alarm.I got up and went into my closet and got my black leggings and a white and black stripped tight crop top and I threw on all black converse high tops. It honestly doesn't matter what you wear to hip hop.

I grabbed my wallet keys and threw it in a bag and I gave Kian a kiss on his temple knowing he isn't awake. I went upstairs and got my water bottle and said bye to my cousin and her boyfriend Jake they were on the couch cuddling aww I thought.

He should propose soon they have been dating for 9 years he should pop the question soon. I got my keys out of my bag and put then in the ignition and I was off.

S  K  I  P    C  A  R    R  I  D  E

When I got there I saw my friends Cole, Bailey, Kat, Maddy, Tate, Logan and Ben. Were in this hip hop class we started on the dance we went over it a few times so we nailed it because we learned it last week.

After my hip hop dances we took a water break and while we were in the lobby we heard shouting and hollering and we ran into the room and saw Adian practicing his dance he is a 8 year old hip hop dancer and he does so good it unbelievable.

When he was done we were cheering and congratulating him.After that I had too teach the little girls ages 4-8 there dancing to Happy by Pharell Williams and there costume is cute there wearing yellow fluffy tutus with a yellow smiley face shirt and a smile painted on there face with there hair in a pony tail and its adorable.

When I walked into there room at 3 all the girls said in unison "Hello Ms. Mandy" awe there so cute "Hey girls how is everyone doing today?"I asked sweetly "Good."They replied "Are you ready to dance?" I asked they were all sitting in a circle on the floor "Yaaahh." They all screamed there laughs are so cute and I love how energetic they are.

They make me want to have kids when I'm older. I wonder if Kian and I are gonna stay together for a few years or not and it makes me nervous because everything can change in a day and that's scares me.

They all got up and we started doing things across the floor and I turned on a Camp Rock cd. We did scahe steps, galloping, and I tested them on there flexibility and then did back bends all across the floor.

After they warmed up they started to do there dance and while they were doing there dance I noticed how they were looking over my way my the stereo every now and then and when they were all looking at me I stopped the music and asked "Are you guys okay?" Then they all started laughing and I got confused .

I felt arms wrap around my stomach and I squealed "Babe its just me calm down." I recognized his voice and I suddenly calmed down I turned around and kiss Kian. I heard all the little girls go "Ewwww" and that made Kian and I laugh during our kiss.

When we pulled apart I asked "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" I asked him I never told him where this place was "Well I had your dad drop me off he went to go get fire works for Saturday night." He responded Saturday is the fourth of July

"Oh okay come over here." I said and dragged him towards the little girls "Ms. Mandy who's this?" Cara asked me. I bent down a little bit "Girls this is my boyfriend Kian." I said

They all turned to each other and squealed and yelled "Ms. Mandy has a boyfriend Ms.Mandy has a boyfriend "I chuckled and looked back at Kian he was laughing too.

"Alright settle down settle down. Now... who wants Kian to introduce himself"I said all the girls raised there hand besides Riley she was a shy girl and doesn't like people so I mainly talk to her.

"Riley are you okay?" I asked she nodded "Why didn't you raise your hand" I asked nicely I'm not mad at her I just wanted to know "He looks scary." She says

I looked back at Kians guessing he heard well I can see why to a little girl he has a ton of tattoos and a nose ring and his ears pierced so I can see why .

"Riley I would never hurt you or anyone for that matter okay" Kian said to her he was sitting on his knees in front of her now, she nodded, he opened his arms for a hug and she ran into them "Group hug" I screamed all the girls came and hugged us there weren't that many girls maybe 12 at the most.

After that hugging thing we calmed down and I made Kian sit in the room watching them dance he was smiling so much it was cute.

"Alright guys I'm gonna let your moms come in and get you to take you home I will see you guys at dress rehearsal tomorrow okay." I waved bye as their moms took them home to rest

"That was adorable" Kian said coming behind me and putting his arms around my waist "I know they're adorable" I said we started swaying back and forth in silence.

"We should go on another date soon " Kian said taking me by surprise "oooo we should invite Sam and Jessica ask Sam because I know they like each other a lot and I want them to date soon so we should go on a double date " I said rambling on

"That's a good idea"he said in my ear. I want to go home and cuddle right now before this week dress rehearsal and then dance recital the day after.

"Let's go home and cuddle" Kian said "let me get my dance costumes first" I said I kept them here because if I kept them back home at my house I would have to drive about a hour and thirty minutes to go and get my costumes.

I went into the little storage closet and got my box of costumes and Kian grabbed my bag "that's a lot" he chuckled I nodded "There is about twelve in here" I said his eyes widened "Come on let's go." I said "Bye guys." I said to my friends who were sitting and gossiping in the lobby "Bye babes, see you tomorrow." The girls said

We got to my car drove home when we got home I put my costumes box in the corner of my room, I went into the bathroom and took a shower to get all the smell and sweat off of me.

I changed into a pair of light wash boyfriend jeans that were really ripped and a dark blue shirt tucking that into my jeans in the front and then putting socks on.

I left my room to go upstairs to say hi to my family and ask them if there all going Friday to my recital, its Wednesday.

They all said yes even the girls which I'm not surprised by they always go and they know I take this so seriously the guys even said yes which I'm surprised to I guess my dad got them tickets or something Idk.

But I went back to my room and Kian was in my correction our bed on his phone "Hey" I said turning the fan on "Hey baby girl" he kissed my cheek as I climbed into the bed and cuddled into the blanket "If your tired I can leave." He said getting out of bed.

I turned around and grabbed his wrist "Stay." I said he  took his shoes off and snap back he put on my face I lifted it of my face and crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out. He chuckled. "Your so cute." he said smiled and got under the covers and put his arm over my waist and I put my face in his neck and pecked it and fell asleep.

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