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Dark Pit couldn't stop shaking. He held his scarf in his hands, weaving it in between his fingers, trying to calm himself.

Why would Pit kill Viridi?

Was that even Pit?

Dark stopped, his hands were still shaking.




Dark stood up, placing a hand on the wall to steady himself. His hand lightly trailed the wall as he walked into the kitchen. Even with his wings, Dark still felt unbalanced.

Dark froze, his hands started to shake again as his wings fluffed up, wrapping around himself.


Pit's wings.

When he lost them, Pit walked around like a normal human. Like he was walking without them his whole life.

Dark rested his head against the cool walls.

That wasn't Pit. Why was he so blind?

Was it his eyes? It had to be his eyes.

That ocean innocent blue.

Just like Pit's.

So who was it, then? Who was the imposter?!

Stumbling over his feet, Dark ran.


"Pit" looked into the lake, at the face that wasn't his own.

He growled and threw another rock into the lake, distorting his reflection.

The imposter fixed his hoodie as he pulled the hood over his head.

Why did he have to kill the Goddess of Nature?! The stupid demon!! Why couldn't he have killed his own host?!

He would be found soon, he knew it. He failed. He would be killed. And no doubt, Galaxy had given the order to bring Pit home.

"Pit" curled himself into a ball, bearing his head into his knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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