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"Pit?" Palutena knocked on the door to Pit's room.

The angel wasn't up and running like he usually was. Palutena didn't know why, so she went to check on him. He didn't answer her when she knocked on the door and called his name. She opened the door to the Angels room and walked inside.

"Pit?" she asked again.

The Goddess gasped when she saw the broken window. She then saw the bed, which was a crumpled mess of blankets. Palutena feared the worse and ran over to the bed, digging through the sheets and calling Pit's name. She heard a groan and an arm popping out of the blankets. Then, a head popped out, yawning.

"Lady Palutena...?" asked a sleepy Pit.

"Oh, Pit!" The Goddess hugged her champion. "I'm so glad you're alright."

Pit was confused until he saw the glass. He looked down at his fingers and noticed something different about them. He instantly understood.

Palutena asked him what happened and he said that Dark was chasing a Monoeye and the two of them crashed into his room. He reassured the Goddess that nothing had happened to him and she smiled. She walked out of the room to go make breakfast. Once the Goddess left, Pit looked back down at his fingers. Everything was fine except for the fact that blood seeped out of his fingers and surrounded his nails.

"Damn it..."

He got out of bed and reached underneath, grabbing a small briefcase. He opened it and pulled out a pair of leather gloves, putting them on. He sighed and looked back at the glass.

"Thank God you came when you did."

He cleaned up the glass so a small pile of it laid underneath the window. He then stretched, and changed into his tunic, leaving his glove things in the closet. He walked down the halls of the temple and was greeted by the food that Palutena had baked. He happily ate and talked with Palutena, but on the inside he dreaded what would come next.


Palutena wanted to defeat Hades as quickly as possible. Pit knew that he had to get his plan into action NOW. he couldn't wait any longer. So, he told Palutena that he was going to walk around the human town. He changed into human clothes and a sweater that hid his wings.

Instead of going to the overworld like he told Palutena, he went to the Underworld. After giving a friendly pat to Twinbellows, he was able to enter the Underworld and walk through it. The angel made sure to hid from the Underworld troops and commanders whenever they came by. He finally found Hades and came from the shadows.

"Hey. Goldilocks," the angel called.

Hades looked over at Pit, surprised, "What are you doing here, Pitty."

"Oh, no reason. Just wanted to say 'Hi' to you," he said. You could hear that he was being sarcastic. "Look, I need your help."

This made the God laugh. "Why do you need my help? Why can't you go ask Palutena?"

"Because I'm planning to steal from Palutena."

This surprised Hades. He looked at Pit again and they locked eyes.

Those baby blue eyes had turned to icy stones that stared into your soul.

And this scared Hades.

A lot.

The Angel Called Pitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن