We walked pass the VIP section. There was a girl laying on a table

"This is were the fun begins" Logan looked at me confused. "Hot girl, Logan. Logan hot girl" he looked at the girl still confused "okay now its really easy. Its salt, shot, lime."

"SSL" he said. Such a nerd.

"Yeah, whatever. First we sprinkle a little salt in her tightly little tommy" I did as I said "now take the shot in this hand" I gave him a shot in his hand "put the lime into her mouth" I gave him the lime.

"Right, I can do this"

I nodded at him

He liked the salt then the shot now its lime but when he got to the lime he spit it out on her face. I cracked laughing.

"Okay lets try it again," I said. The women looked at me like are you serious

"Okay?" he said

He did it again and it worked, everyone cheered for him.

~Amara's P.O.V~

Blair is just the best friend anyone could have.

"I don't know what I would've done without you"

"Die in misery"

I hit her with the pillow playfully suddenly the door bell rang. I went to open the door but it was already opened by...

"Harry?" he was carrying "Logan?" and behind him "Liam, Niall"

"What are you guys doing here?" Blair said

"We got a little bit over drunk" Liam hugged Blair "you know I really love you right"

"So harry is dropping us back home" Niall said dropping himself into the couch

"And I told you guys to stay in the car" Harry dropped Logan in the couch

"Amara babe, I missed you" Logan said to me looking totally drunk

"What have you done to him?" I said to Harry

"Amara Harry is a nice guy we should hangout more with him."

"Man you should fight for her," Niall said hugging Harry. I looked at Harry confused

"Okay, let me get you back home" Blair said

"Yessss we're having a sleepover" Niall screamed

"No Niall you're coming with me" Blair said

"I can drop him," Harry said

"No its on my way I'll drop him" Blair helped them walking out of the door "and you need to take care of your mess" she pointed at Logan who is now running to the bathroom, with that she walked out.

"Okay, Amara take care of him. Bye"

"No, you're not getting off this easy" he looked at me with a frown "take him to bed" I walked to Logan and helped him get up

"Fine" he lifted him up like he was a feather. His muscles flexed. Damn he's HOT.

Wait what am I saying.

"Are you done checking me out?" he looked at me with his gorgeous smirk "where is his room"

"Why am I thinking of Him?" did I just say that out loud

"Because a part of you knows that you're a little like me then you are like him"

Is he right? No I don't think so. I didn't answer him; I just said, "Follow me"

He dropped Logan to the bed

"Why aren't you drunk?"

"I'm the designated driver"

"Oh" that's all I said

"Okay so I'll head out now"

"I'll walk you to the door"

We stopped at the porch

"He's so lucky to have you as a girlfriend"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

"Not just for this Harry but for everything"

"I'm an idiot because I thought for one second that I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore"

"Wait what are you talking about? Guilty for what?"

"For wanting what I want"


"Oh I know. Believe me I know... Logan's girl and all" he walked away I exhaled and looked at the ground, I didn't even know I was holding my breath. "No" I looked at him confused he turned around "No you know what? If I'm going to be guilty about something I'm gonna feel guilty about this" he rushed to me and crashed his lips with mine, the taste of his lips, I miss it, I can taste the mint. He cupped my face; I lifted my hand to his hand. I miss him and his soft kisses. We pulled away and he said "goodnight" with that he just left. Leaving me shocked and confused. 

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