Chapter 15: Aftershock

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Arms and legs locked, there wasn't a hope that we would be saved.

"How will we ever get out?" Bob asked.

I shook my head. I was weak and clueless. Suddenly, Clarissa walked through the automatic doors. She held a bag filled to the brim with something. I knew what it was, and judging by the look in Dallas, Bob, and Elvin's eyes, they too knew. One of the soldiers ran up to Mackenzie with a sword. We gasped, but the soldier cut her free. A strange smile came across Mackenzie's face. Sean saw the same thing I did.

"You... No y-you can't." he said. "You can't! You can't be! No!" Sean's face was a Niagra Falls of sweat. He ripped the titanium bars from his wrists and ran towards Clarissa. She knew she would be able to provoke him to anger. She blew the dust that was in the bag in his face, though it was a dark blue instead of pink. The hypnotizing scent made me woozy. It was advanced. It was so enticing that I could feel myself falling under the trance. I looked over to see the faces of my friends, but their normal eyes turned into a dark blue shade. Clarissa saw the spell working on the others, but not me. She walked over with the bag and pushed it into my face. I could feel my body giving into the scent, but I fought back.

"You're one tough cookie." she said. "I have something planned for you. If you last that long."

Sean, Dallas, Mackenzie, Bob, and Elvin walked back into another room and brought 5 large crate of the same blue powder. If I could hardly stand the pocket-full of that stuff, I would never get past the crates.

"See you at sunrise," Clarissa said, "my new slave."

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