40. The Baby

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Recap: Sebastian and Diana wake up to a troubled Aiden after a sensual night on the couch in Diana's apartment in NY. Though Aiden was only there to pick up his daughter, he stirred something in Seb's mind. Demanding to quit this relationship, the couple enter into a much inevitable argument leading. Diana probed Seb for the reason why he was ending things; cracking under emotional distress, Seb takes an unwilling Diana to Switzerland..

"That's what's so damn difficult about making the decision to leave. Whether it's the right or wrong call it hurts just the same."

My eyes threatened to burn as I continued to look at the young lady in front of me.

We stood there not more than a few seconds before the lady turned around to face us, well turned to face Sebastian actually, with bearing an expression of amazement.

"Seb!" She beamed at him not really noticing me beside him, she strode towards him and gave a side hug, careful to not crush their child in the minuscule moment of affectionate welcome, before she giggled something to him in their mother tongue.

I felt disoriented and disconnected.

I felt pain. The kind of pain you feel when your friend passes you the football but instead it collides with you nose so hard that tears involuntarily spring out.

I felt that pain.

At that moment, I didn't wish to be able to comprehend what they were so gleefully talking about, rather I just wanted to get teleported to my room back in New York and hide under my duvet until I forget just about everything.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury to be inconspicuous for a long time as Seb's supposed partner looked over at me. She was rather happy for someone who was just looking at the other woman. Perhaps, he had her fooled as well.

I was suddenly jolted away as I felt a heavy touch on my shoulder. I looked at two concerned faces gaping at me, almost like waiting for an answer.

"Umm.. I-I'm sorry, I don't feel well right now, I suppose." I muttered looking away as his hand slipped down from my shoulder to around my wrist, not failing to drag his warm fingers on their way boggling my mind all over again.

Seb stepped closer, almost touching my body, and leaned in as his breath fanned my ear. "Before you start accusing me of cheating, again.. let me introduce you to my sister, Melissa."

As if the past 2 days weren't crazy enough, this undoubtedly threw me off my feet, metaphorically speaking of course. Before coming here, I had half the puzzle solved out, or least that's what I believed in. But hearing him say that just disassembled the whole puzzle I burned my fucking mind to put together.

It was my turn to gape at him then at his sister, and then the baby.

"Seb talks a lot about you, Diana. It's so great to finally meet you after all the time!" The sister beamed at me enthusiastically while I stood their like a wall. Probably because of my unintentional yet unnerving stare at her, she threw a confused glance towards her brother. "You must be really exhausted. I should let you relax and.. Well, we'll catch up later at night over dinner.. if you like."

I meekly nodded like a dumb buffoon and let Seb pull my away towards a hallway and consequently, leading inside a room. The room was absolutely plain yet spacey. It lacked a personal touch, hence I guessed I was one of the guests rooms.

"I figured you'd like your space right now, so I.." He scratched the back of his neck as his eyes were trained on the floor. "My room's the last one down the hallway, just in case." He set my duffel on the edge of the bed as I took a minute to process that I was actually in a guest room. "Call for me once you're ready. We'll talk then." With the announcement, he left. Just like that. Without a kiss. Without a touch. Without a smile.

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