
I felt my phone vibrate 5 more times. Reluctantly I took my phone out and saw my mom's number flash on my screen.

I picked up the phone . "Hello?"

"Boy, I been calling you trying to make sure you were okay! After things got really crazy I went to go look for you. Next thing I know you just stormed off. Without telling anyone anything. Please just tell me you made it home safely." My mom fussing at me, making me instantly feel bad.

"My bad. I really just needed to get as far away from that drama as possible. If I had of stayed I would have ended up in jail. I couldn't be around her or that dude. But, I shouldn't have just left you like that."

She sighed, "Baby, I'm not mad at you for needing to get away, that was a lot, even for me. I understand you needing space, I was just worried about you. Me and all your friends were trying to look for you. Don't worry about me, your friend Devon was nice enough to drop me back off at my hotel."

"I'm glad you're back safely. But still I should have at least taken you home you are supposed to be staying with me until you find a place anyway." I said feeling guilt washing over me.

"Stop being so hard on yourself, D. This isn't the time for that, especially given everything that just happened. I understand and I'm not mad at you, I couldn't be. As long as you're in safely and not out doing something dangerous I'm fine. And I will be coming to stay for a while, but given I have your brother and sister with me I got the closet hotel I could find near the airport. It's a lot for them to be traveling like this so I wanted them to rest as soon as possible. Besides I wanted you to enjoy your birthday, we will be over there to see you soon enough."

"How are they?" I said lighting up a little. My younger sister and brother were my entire world, and I couldn't wait to see them.

"Both are sleeping.  Your uncle came by to watch them for me and he said about an hour into toy story they were both out cold. That's fine with me after I get comfortable I'm going to snuggle up next to them and knock out myself." She laughed making me smile.

Even though it was a bad night, I was happy to know they were safe.

"That's good I can't wait till I see them, I probably come and take y'all out soon. Y'all have to learn more about the city."

"They're just going to be beyond excited to be around they're big brother again! Trust me you won't have to do much to make them happy. No need to stress yourself out."

"I gotta do it big for them, they need to have fun. I know it's rough on them having to leave home and not getting to see me, I'm just trying to make up for lost time."

"And you will, I know it. But I want you to focus on yourself to you still got school and other priorities."

"For a while, my priorities have been all messed up." I sighed

"...I know you're at a really low place after tonight, and I'm sorry this happened like this to you. But don't be too hard on yourself. I know it's rough right now but you'll get through it, in time."

"I'm straight I'm just trying to chill on being stupid again. I don't want to deal with it anymore, I rather just be by myself."

"Well hey, there's nothing wrong with taking time to be with yourself and heal. It gives you more time to work on you and protect your energy. You weren't stupid, because you didn't cheat. It's okay to hold yourself accountable for not seeing sighs but don't project your relationships failure on yourself, it wasn't your fault. Just take it as a life lesson and move forward. You'll find someone better, when the time is right."

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