"Do you have any nicknames?" Some guy about my age asked me.

"No... Not that I know of..." I trailed off, earning me a few laughs.

"One more question," I said, scanning the crowd for someone to give me the last question.

"Have you heard the story about Messi's sister not having been seen in a week now? Do you think she is missing? What are your thoughts?" Said an older woman.

I chose my next words carefully, knowing that saying the wrong thing could set people off.

"I have heard of this girl, Adriana, right? From what I have seen, she is a very beautiful girl, and she looks to be very capable of taking care of herself. One week is hardly anything, and I am sure that she is fine. I wish her and her family the best, and I believe that there is nothing to worry about." I said and walked out of the interviewing place. It might have seemed kind of cold, but that is what is to be expected when someone asks you about a rival team, right?

I high fived Joshy as he walked into the interviewing station and returned to the locker room.

I found the locker room without a problem, and I discovered that the interviews were fairly short for everyone else. They were on broadcast in the locker room, and to my relief, everyone was asked the question about me, Adriana.

Whew. I was more then slightly freaking out about that.

As soon as we all got to the locker room and we shooed out the cameras and interviewers, and then the Gatorade showers began. I was no exception...

"HA-HA! I GOT YOU!" Yelled Joshy as he drenched me in pink Gatorade. Who knew two very different teams celebrated the same way?

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yelled and started chasing the idiot around the benches in the center of the locker room.

I half expected to fall over onto my face, but I didn't. I did fall, but I fell on someone. Robert Lewandowski. The same guy who clearly tried to ask me out in front of everyone. He was sitting down on one of the benches, one that I would have most certainly have fallen on and injured myself on if it weren't for him. But that doesn't mean his isn't weird.

"Well, hello there," He said to me with a smile.

"What are you waiting for! Just do it already!" Yelled Thomas (Muller). What does that mean? Was he going to kiss me? Oh please don't kiss me. My life is hard enough as it is right now. The last thing I need now is some more drama.

But then, the two of us were dumped in Gatorade. The pink liquid dripped through his hair and onto me.

Before anything awkward or weird happened, I got off of him and armed myself with a few bottles of the sugary liquid. I don't care that I had just fallen over. More the reason to get revenge on that little son of a gun.

I did end up sneaking up on him, and spraying his perfect hair with sticky sugary liquid. He was about to get me back when coach walked in. As soon as he turned the corner to get into the room, everyone immediately stopped dumping Gatorade on each other. They all stood like little kids who had just been caught doing something wrong, and they had their hands behind their backs and heads looking down, like they had just broken something and had been caught in the act.

"Ok team. We will have one last conversation before you are dismissed to go party and whatever. I just wanted to say you guys all played a very god game, especially you, Adrian. It did, however, come at the price of Arjen, and he will not be joining us for a while. No practice tomorrow, don't do anything stupid. You can go now," He said and immediately after he finished, a party was scheduled.

"Party at my place in an hour! No non-teammates allowed! There will be food!" Yelled Thomas.

At the sound of a party, I remembered what had happened last time I was at a team party. Real Madrid had celebrated with Gatorade then partied then bad things happened. But, at the sound of free food and only teammates allowed, I was convinced. There was free food. No way I can turn that down.

I gathered all my stuff and then headed into the sea of paparazzi, trying my best to look manly and unfazed. I walked home, attempting to ignore questions that were being shouted at me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Can I marry you?"

"Party at my place?"

And other stupid things like that. After one game and two goals, I had become a guy to be fangirling over. Oh, shoot.

I quickly got inside and showered off all remains and residues from the Gatorade, and then changed into a nicer guy shirt. I guess this is what they wore... I hope. It was just an average Hollister shirt, so, I better not be underdressed.

After being satisfied with my appearance, I realized I had no idea where Thomas's house was, so I texted Joshy. When in doubt, text Joshy.

A: I need a ride to Thomas's place. Can u pick me up?

J: Fine. Be there in a few.

A: Thanks!

J: Anything for my darling.

A: Wut...

J: lol i just wanted to see how you would react.

A: -_-

J: I'm here

I quickly got out the door to see Joshy was indeed there, and I quickly walked out to the car.

"Where to, sir?" He asked.

"To Thomas Muller's house, please," I said formally.

"No problem, sir. I will get you there right away, sir." He said with a grin, and we spent the rest of the car ride looking out the windows.

As soon as we arrived at Thomas's huge mansion, I asked Joshy a question.

"Any advice for surviving this party?"

"Don't die. Good luck!" He said and then the door opened.

"Wow. You are sooooo funny" I said as we walked inside.

The atmosphere was buzzing with energy and laughter. This couldn't be like the last party I went to, right? I had to be better.

I sure hope I'm right.

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