"Slaughtered, slit throat just like the rest," Brad said softly, "Just before they were attacked."

"They're really coming, aren't they?"

Brad took my hand, but I barely noticed as I stared off blankly into space, trying to clear my mind, "It'll be alright, we'll survive this," he brought my knuckles to his lips, kissing them gently as he moved my chin so I stared him in the eye. "We have the jump on them, we know they're coming for us and we know how they fight."

I nodded numbly, pulling my hand from his grasp as I went into Luna mode; "We need to issue a lockdown, get all mothers and children inside and into the basement."

"We still have time," Stefan butted in, "They won't be here for another day, three tops when they realise you have more doctors and nurses than we did." He didn't even flinch anymore when he spoke back about that horrible day.

"We can't be sure, we have to get them safe." I slammed my palm against the wall for emphasis, glaring at everyone in case they tried to defy me. When nobody spoke up, I straightened my hunched posture with a sigh and looked around the room. "Alright, everyone in the basement, now. Spread the word, go all around the area and make sure all mothers and children are inside and safe!" The pack members, mine and not, all nodded and began to move out, one of the mothers picking up Sophia and Carter. I smiled gratefully as she ran off, biting my lip as I itched to run towards the front door and help.

Brad took my hand, pulling me outside where he had already assembled all the best trackers and fighters. "In groups of three," he said sternly, "Go out and patrol the borders, we can't let them get in. Anyone you see, be it wolf or human, you have permission to attack and kill."

As much as I wanted that not to happen, I knew that I had to put the pack first. As they dispersed towards the edge of the forest, Ty walked towards us. "Doctor Tess was running around frantically so I sent her back to the hospital to see if she could help there-"

"No!" I half yelled, rubbing my hands over my face, "that's the first place they will look for her, find her and take her to the house- actually never mind, I'll go myself!" I shook my head, thoughts running a mile a minute as I darted towards the hospital, dodging around the hurrying pack members. I stopped when I reached the doors, two people coming to a halt behind me as I spun on heel, Brad's face inches from mine.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, eyes subtly glancing around the area as he took in my expression. I shook my head slightly, gesturing for him and Ty to follow me as I walked towards the forest line, following my nose.

Brad growled softly as he picked up on the scent, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. Ty took his flank, looking into the forest as I peered over Brad's shoulder. Two eyes shone brightly through a low bush, snarls of warning coming from the wolf as we took a step forward. Ty took another step, lowering himself to the ground so that he was at the wolf's level before staring directly into its eyes a few feet away.

I had forgotten how powerful a Beta was until I saw Ty with this dangerous wolf, not shying away as the wolf stepped from the bushes with louder snarls than before. Ty let out a soft growl, stepping forward and closing the distance as he lunged towards the wolf, ripping his clothes as he shifted.

The stranger had the jump on his vulnerable half-shifted state, and before we could react, it locked its jaws around Ty's exposed shoulder, sinking it's teeth in with a sickening crunch. Immediately I jumped to action, shifting out of rage as the wolf began to fling Ty from side to side, Ty scratching at the other wolf wherever he could.

I jumped onto the stranger, digging my claws into its back as it let go of Ty with a growl, flinging him into a nearby tree as it attempted to get me from its back. It rolled onto me, crushing the breath from my lungs as I let go and the stranger jumped to its paws a few feet away- straight into the waiting Brad. It let out a yelp in surprise as Brad's bigger wolf pinned him down, snarling with his teeth inches away from the strangers neck. As I went to help, Brad's eyes snapped up to mine and he shook his head, nodding towards Ty.

Hunted [ Completed ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora