Back story

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I am pretty sure everyone heard because they are all rushing down the stairs.
Netty and Sqaishey plop next to me. The other surround me.
"What happened between you and your father?" Sqaishey asks confused.
"When my dad died in the navy my mother wanted to fill that empty hole in her heart. She dated many people. One day she met Allen. They guy who was just knocking on our door. He really loved my mom and mom really loved him. One day they had a fight and they didn't talk to each other for a week. The day before my birthday, Allen took all of his rage out. He hurt me and my mother. He destroyed our property. The police finally came and he was net to jail. My mom had to leave for Japan and I had to stay home alone, later I found out I wasn't staying there. We couldn't be at his trial so we never knew how long he was sentenced in for. Not very long I presume. I'm guessing he found out I was here, probably for revenge." I confess. They all stare at me in shock.
"I am so sorry your life is like that. I had no idea." Sqaishey replies. I give her a fake smile and I start to tear up. She places her hand on my cheek. I lay my head on her shoulder.
"It's okay. You're safe with us." Stampy says. I try to grin. I can't.

A/N just a back story. Sorry for not much but HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! EVERYONE HOLD ON BECAUSE THINGS ARE GETTING SCARY! Go get me some candy!

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