Chapter 35 - Dreamless

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Cass woke on the couch. Her face was smashed into Parris' shoulder. She snuggled closer, this was a nice way to wake up. She felt safe.

She was lost in happy thoughts and it took her sometime to realize that she hadn't woke up in a panic. "I didn't dream." Wonder filled her voice as the fact sunk in.

Parris stirred.

"I didn't dream!" Cass was shaking. It was so different, she didn't know what to make of it.

"Cass, that's amazing." Parris yawned rousing from sleep.

Her eyes were wide, knees bouncing. "What if they are gone for good?"

"Would that be good?" He tried to blink sleep away.

"I think so. It was nice not watching you die." She gave him a quick hug.

"I wonder if Zeus over used your visions, or something like that."

"Maybe I only get a set number and now they are used up." She stood and looked out the window. "It could be this place."

"It is nice here." He stretched out on the couch. "If only the sleeping accommodations were better."

Cass laughed, "Best worst sleep ever."

Parris went and put his arms around her. They stood there looking out the window for sometime.

"Think we'll get out of here soon?" She asked him.

"Real life seems like a distant memory. Wonder if we can ever go back." He kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek on it. "Bet mom puts me on a milk carton by next week."

"Maybe we can explain..."

"Maybe." Neither were sure they could.

Cass didn't know what the future held. For now she was happy. Each day with Parris was a gift, and each night without a vision was also a gift. They would just have to wait and see what would unfold.

The End


Thank you, thank you, thank you for going on this journey with me! I've loved all your comments and feedback. The encouragement I've found here on Wattpad has just been awesome.

Starting in November for #nanowrimo I will be working on a new story Immortality - check it out!

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Xoxo - LM

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