Chapter 13 - Changed

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"Can't help me? What do you see!?" Cass was on her feet and took hold of her mom's arm.

"You are so much further along, you shouldn't be able to see what you do."

"I don't understand?" Cass shook her mom. "What did you see?!"

"You dreamt of him before you met... It's not usual to dream of someone you don't know, most of us have to have contact with the people who we channel. Your bond with this boy is beyond anything I could have imagined."

Cass let go. "Parris." She couldn't help but cry she didn't want to loose him. "You are the only one who can help us."

"Have you had his blood?"

Cass was shaking with fear. "No, I don't think so." In a moment of full honest she added, "He kissed me lightly tonight but that's all."

"Humm, I don't think that would be enough unless he had a cut of some sort when he touched you. Have you ever had a vision when you were near him?"

"Yeah, after the game yesterday. We were shaking hands."

If her mom thought that was weird she didn't say or show it. "I'd like to take you both with me to Greece. I know someonewho might be able to help."

"I don't know if his parents will..."

"Let me deal with them."

They made their way back to the car. It was a much slower walk back. Once in the car Helen said, "You should get some rest. We will stop by and pick him up in the morning."

Cass lay the seat back and watched her mom order plan tickets on her phone. Ever so slowly Cass drifted into sleep and for the first time her dream of Parris changed.


Every night she and Parris held hands in a grassy field. But tonight for the first time a building appeared. They entered the large oak doors and stepped into a cathedral of stone and sky.

The stone floor was polished with age, Cass could see the paths of people who came before worn into grooves. Above them sunlight came in through large rays.

"This place feels alive." She whispered in awe.

Parris pulled her close, kissed her cheek and whispered back, "We should feed it."

Black fear covered Cass, the next thing she saw was blood covering the stone floor, flowing through the warn grooves and Parris dead at her feet.


Helen watched Cass sleep like she had every night for so many years. She knew her daughter's dreams were nightmares and could do nothing for her. She couldn't even wake her, for once a vision started it could not stopped.

Helen reached out and held Cass's hand. "I'm so sorry my sweet girl." She let a tear slip from her eyes and prayed.

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