Chapter 3 - Rain

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Same dream...Cass woke in a sweat before her alarm clock could wake her.

He was real. Damn.

A whole week of trying to avoid him had backfired.

It's like he had been following Cass around, he started sitting at her lunch table, took the same routes between classes and he even stayed late after school and would offer her a ride home.


Okay, he wasn't a jerk. He was wonderful. If Cass wasn't avoiding him to, you know, save his life. She might think his behavior was charming, instead she was just plain annoyed.

She and Jake started towards their lunch table but seeing the new guy, Cass changed her course.

"Hey where you heading?" Jake followed her.

"I thought the atrium might be nice for a change."

"Right." Jake wasn't buying it, he knew that new guy was getting to Cass.

There were benches and potted plants along the atrium walls. It acted as a main hallway for the school. Off it, were smaller hallways with lockers and classrooms. The glass ceiling was several stories high.

Cass looked up to see dark gray clouds.


"Can you drive me home today?" She hated to ask, but really didn't want to get soaked on the walk home.

"I've got work today." He followed her gaze. "Oh sorry Cass, bring an umbrella?"

"No, but I'm sure a teacher has one I can borrow." They both looked doubtful but didn't say anymore.

Before they had finished lunch the new guy had found his way to the bench across from theirs.

She rolled her eyes. "What is his problem?"

Jake looked for her to him. "You're kidding, right?"

"He's always lurking and looking at me. It's creepy right?"

It was Jake's turn to roll his eyes.

She lightly punched his arm. "Seriously, what is his deal?"

"He likes you."

Her mouth fell open. "No way!"

"You don't have to be that excited about it."

"I'm not really. That's what guys do when they like some one?"

Jake finished his sandwich by shoving almost the whole thing in his mouth at once.

"Gross Jake!" Cass got up and tossed her trash.

Lunch conversation was over.

Between every class Cass looked to the sky, it was the same, dark and pouring.

The walk home was going to be miserable for her.

She kept thinking about the short cuts and which street would be the shortest path. Well that was her main thought and what Jake said at lunch.

He likes me. He likes me?

That was problematic. Cass liked the way he tapped his foot on her chair, the way she could just barely make out the smell of his beauty man products - yummy btw. Only one week of seeing him (in real life) and she was loosing her resolve to stay away from him.

Last bell.

Pouring rain.

Cass stood under the last overhang closest to the parking lot. With the way the clouds looked there wasn't much hope in waiting it out.

A truck stopped in front of her.

Not good.

The new guy lowered the passenger window. "Need a ride?"

She opened her mouth to say no but stopped and closed it.

The rain came down even harder, if that was possible.

"Come on, it's raining. I wouldn't feel right letting you walk home in this." He gestured towards the window with his arm that wasn't draped over the steering wheel.

The new guy looked too cute in his truck.

Cass took a step back.

She couldn't get close, she had to stay away from him.

But one ride home couldn't hurt, could it?

What will happen? I don't know, leave a comment and let me know what you want to happen!

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