Chapter 23 - Cursed

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Cass had dream visions induced by her soul mate's blood. They were fast and violent. Her enemies were numerous. She'd catch a glimpse of something only to be pushed out.

They could block her efforts.

She kept trying to see her mom, but every time she was thrown out of the vision. Helen was in a dark stone room, the only light was from torches. She was talking with someone, but Cass couldn't see anything else.

Eventually she gave up and found her way to the field with Parris. They went to the grove again but this time she watched the stone building. It felt important to watch.

"Hey, I can move normally in this vision." It just occurred to Cass, all this time she knew this vision was different than any other, but now she realized why. "And you talk to me."

Parris just raised an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe it's because you're with me." She thought about that, maybe somehow the vision with Parris was part of the real Parris and she could do more than with him.

Parris was watching the building and asked, "Do you see that person by the doors?"

Cass lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the light. She saw a shape move and then her eyes adjusted.

Bright green eyes were watching them.

Cass ran to the building, Parris right behind her.

When they reached the steps the person was gone.

"Alya." Cass said as she woke up.

Parris wasn't in the room. Cass reached for her flashing phone.

Jake : Ann's doing better, after only a day. I really thought you were joking, but she saw my phone and took your advice. Thank you, I'm sorry for doubting you.

Jake : Where are you? Did you and Parris manage to get the flu or something?

Ann was safe for the moment.

Relief was shorted lived when she remembered how much danger her and Parris were in.

She sent a quick text back.

Cass: I'm okay, in Greece with my mom and Parris. Long story, hope to catch you up soon.

It was mostly the truth. Would have to do for now.

Cass tossed her hair in a half ponytail half bun thing. Parris was helping Jeremy make breakfast.

Magna asked, "Would you sit with me for a moment?"

"I'd like that."

Magna took Cass to an outer courtyard. "We won't be overheard here. There's something you forgot to ask me last night."

"What happens to our soul mates?"

Magna crossed her legs and took Cass's hand. She looked at her palm. "Fates of soul mates aren't meant for an easy life. Oracles are feared or people try to control us. Our soul mates can help us but also leave us vulnerable."

"Is Jeremy yours?"

Magna didn't answer right away. Instead she listened to the sounds from the kitchen. Finally she asked, "Do you think he is?"

"I had thought so yesterday. But now I'm not sure."

"You do doubt yourself. Don't. Once you can trust yourself, all things become possible."

"Can we be blocked from a vision?"

Magna looked scared. "This happened to you?"

"Last night when trying to see my enemies and mom."

Magna got up and started muttering. She took some sage and lit it. "Breathe this in."

Cass tried but coughed and sputtered.

"Cleansing and healing, sage make your way." More muttering and Magna sat back down. "No matter what happens, know that you have been blessed by the gods, even if one has cursed you."

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