Chapter 32 - Wake Up

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Cass had started to formulate a plan that could defeat Zeus; he would never see it coming. She had noticed, by watching the same vision repeatedly, she could slowly change it. She found she had more control over the visions than she realized.

She could feel when Zeus was watching her visions closely. Other times it felt like he wasn't watching at all.

In her dream, while focused on what Zeus wanted to see, she reached out with her mind to try to find Jake.

She brushed against his comforting presence and she felt a shift. Then she felt his hand in hers. She was mostly asleep, but awake enough to be aware of her surroundings.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she started to trace letters in his palm, spelling out her plan.

Jake felt his name in his mind. "What the?" He went to where Cass was laying and sat next to her. She had been out cold for days. She mumbled in her sleep sometimes, but today she said his name very clearly.

He took her hand in his. First she pressed the sign for I love you in sign language into his hand then she drew " I H A V E A P L A N" He kissed her hand and whispered "Tell me Cass, I'm listening."

Zeus was away from Cass' vision when she tried to wake herself up. She had done it once before when she saw Alya for the first time. She had been scared, like out of her mind scared. So she focused on her fears.

If she could just wake up. Then she and Jake could find a way out of this cell and save everyone she loved. It was now or never... because Apollo was attacking tonight.

Cass opened her eyes.

"You're awake, Cass!" Jake wrapped her up in a big bear hug.

Cass fought to get away before she got sick. She failed, the contents of her stomach ended up hitting Jake's jeans.

"Cass, wow that's so gross..are you going to be alright?"

She wiped her mouth, "Just give me a few minutes. Is there water?"

"Yeah, he is pretty good about food, some was just dropped off, here." He helped her get a few sips of water.

"Are you ready to break out of here? I think tonight is the big night that they will try to rescue us. Oh Jake it's so bad, Zeus kills everyone."

"Well let's try and stop him. I got the tile up in the corner like you asked. There's just a bunch of pipes."

"Exactly. We are going to flood this room and get out through the roof."

Jake was able to loosen a fitting and water poured in. "I hope your right!"

Cass laughed, "Me too!"

The water filled up faster than they thought it would. Soon they were swimming watching the ceiling get ever closer.

"When you can reach the top push on the one in the middle."

Jake agreeded and got to the center of the room. "This is so nuts Cass. What if there's not a way out?"

"Then at least we tried. Trust me Jake we can get out of here."

"I do. I will. I won't doubt you again." He could almost reach the ceiling. "Here goes nothing." He launched himself up, it took him several tries but he did it. There was an access panel, he turned the latch and above them was a dimly lit hallway.

He got up and pulled Cass out. They closed the panel; by the time they had taken a few steps, water was shooting out of the seams.

"Ready to run? We've got to get to the beach." Cass looked pale but determined.

"Lead the way, Sis!"

They took off down the hallway searching for a way out.

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