Chapter 25 - Hey it's dark in here

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Helen was in purgatory. The cave was a holding place, in between worlds. She sat curled up in a corner, knees to her chin. She waited in the dark.

A sly figure emerged out of the wall. She brought a torch and a sword with her. "You don't have to talk to me, but it's easier if you do."

Helen's head felt fuzzy. "I will talk." Her eyes were filled with tears that wouldn't fall. "Why are you doing this?"

"This isn't about me right now. It's about what and who you know. I need information." She crouched in the middle of the cave studying Helen.

"Alya this isn't you. Why hold me here?"

"I don't want to do this the hard way Helen." She stood and approached, sword tip pointed at Helen. "Look I've got my deal, now I need you to help me."

"I want to, I really do. You know better than I, deals with the gods never end in our favor."

Alya flinched, "This time is different. Now what do you know of the girl?"

"Nothing. I know nothing."

"How does she move so freely in her visions?"

"I tested her; she couldn't induce herself into a simple trance. She couldn't do anything and yet she has visions every night."

"Every night? So anytime I visit the spirit world she will be there? How does she sustain herself?"

Helen nodded. "Yes, every night. Her dreams are of blood, maybe she can connect to it in the spirit world."

"That is impossible."

"And yet she has the ability to jump between the worlds every night."

"Her soul mate is with her." Alya stood. "You will help me bring them here."

Helen shook her head no. "I'll loose any chance with her. Please don't make me."

Alya's eyes narrowed, "I don't care about your relationship with her. What I care about is bringing the balance back to order and gaining my freedom in the process."

Helen hugged her knees.

"Where are they?"

"They were to go to Magna's, from there I do not know."

"Then we have a visit to make." Alya dropped the torch on the ground as she sheathed her blade. She took hold of Helen's hand, without waiting for her to stand she took them back to the surface.

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