Chapter 5 - Coffee Talk

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Cass and the new guy walked into the coffee shop. The tinkling bells were like a trumpet announcing their entrance. Everyone turned to look at them.

Thankfully that was only a few people, unfortunately it included Becky and Robin who were seated by the window.

They scanned Cass from head to toe.

Their gazed lingered on the joined hands.

Cass could feel his warmth spreading up her arm. She needed to let go of his warm, firm hand.

She sighed and let go. "I'll just run to the ladies room."

"I'll order. Black coffee, right?"

"Perfect." Too perfect that he would know how she took her coffee.

The dryer in the bathroom only blew cool air on her. She gave up after trying to blot her face and hair with the thin paper towels.

He sat a table in the corner, cozy. Two cups with steam floating out of them sat on the table. He held his phone, concentrating hard on the screen with his eyebrows pulled together.

Cass sat and wrapped her hands around the mug in front of her.

"I'm not finding the scene you are talking about."

Class project. That's why we are here.

"Mind?" She took his phone and pulled up the scene. She handed the phone back and he let his hand linger on hers before pulling back.

He read it while she tried to not drip her wet hair on the table.

"It has some funny bits and the dialog wouldn't be too hard to memorize." He started typing into his phone. "Costumes and location?"

"There's a great room with paneling at an old building just up the block from here. I'll ask Dad if he knows who owns it."

His fingers typed as she kept talking.

"We should raid the theater department for costumes."

"Got it, I'll set up a time with them and you take care of the location. We will get to memorizing and report back next week." He made a few finger strokes on his phone. "Just sent you the note."

He picked up his mug and took a long drink. "Now can we discuss more important things?"

Cass gulped. "Like what exactly?"

He knodded towards the windows, "How long until those girls make their way over here?"

Cass looked over her shoulder at them. Shaking her head she replied, "Probably never."

"Naw sooner than never!" He touched her wet locks. "I bet before your hair dries they will talk to us."

Cass didn't really think much about who was popular and who wasn't but those girls were very popular. The odds of them going out of their way to talk to her slim. But they might be interested in him...but they had barely said hi to her the whole eight years she'd lived in this town.

"Want to make a bet?"

Cass laughed. "It would be like taking candy from a baby."

"Alright no candy or money, something more valuable."

Cass leaned forward, she knodded in interest.

"A date?" He said it quickly and took a sip of coffee.

"A date?" A date!? She had to stay away from him, not date him!

"Yep. Tomorrow night's football game. I'd like to take you, if I win the bet."

"And if I win you have to stop asking to drive me home."

He stuck his hand out. "Deal."

"Deal." He was so going to loose.

"Need a refill?"

Her cup was empty. "Yes, please."

He stood, winked at her and made his way through the bistro tables and chairs. When he got to the counter Becky and Robin decended upon her.

"Hey girl!" "What's happening?" "That new guy is cute!" "What are you talking about so serious?"

The questions just kept coming. These two girls had never spoken to Cass before and now they weren't shutting up.

Cass looked towards the counter to find him laughing. He mouthed "you lost, I win!" He even did a silly air fist in celebration.

She looked back at the girls who had gone quite. They were waiting for her to say something.

"We have an English project to work on."

"Oh that's great!" "It sure is!" "Don't let us keep you." "Study, study that's so you." They chirped the whole way back to their table.

He returned with fresh coffee.

"How did you know that they would come over here?"

He just smiled and enjoyed his coffee.

Usually it was Cass who just knew odd things.

She stared at him in disbelief.

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