Thirty Seven~Fangirls are classy

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"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."

-Alice in Wonderland

"Can you tell me where we're going?"

"On an adventure."

"I'm not having sex with you."

Jax laughed. "Darn. I thought you might give me a little going away present." It was Jax's last day in LA before he left for Russia and I was going to make it count, but that didn't mean I was going to get in bed with him. I was holding it against him for leverage, making sure he had to come back if he wanted some, if you know what I mean.

I rolled my eyes. "What did you want? My virginity all wrapped up with a nice bow?"

He scoffed. "I wouldn't expect you to wrap it."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "But seriously, where are we going?"

"You don't do well with surprises, do you?"

"Jax," I whined. "I'm in your car, it's not like I'm going to roll out of the moving vehicle if I decide I don't like where we are going."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you ruined it. We are starting our amazing day with parachuting." He got quieter when he said that last part.

"Parachuting? You mean skydiving?!"

He pressed his lips together, trying to suppress a smile at my nerves.

"Nevermind, I think I might roll out of this moving vehicle."

"Come on, bigmouth, it's not that bad. I've been, like, three times. It's fun."

I slumped back in the seat and crossed my arms. "I don't trust you."

"Come on, I saved you from drowning twice."

"I wasn't drowning, and the second time was because you threw me off a jet ski."

"That's water under the bridge now. Come on, it will be a bonding experience and I've never kissed someone while falling out of a plane. Don't flake, I'll let you pick where we go next."

I blew air out of my mouth angrily. "Fine. But if I die, my funeral better be damn gorgeous."

"Just like you." He leaned over the console (while he was still driving, may I add) and kissed me on the cheek.

And my day begins.

We arrive at the skydiving place a few minutes later, and there were no words to describe my immense nerves. There were a million things that could go wrong. I mean, it was jumping out of a plane. What idiot would do that?

Oh wait, Jax.

We checked in with the front desk people and they sent us into a room to get suited up. Needless to say, I could barely walk in the thing. It was like a straight jacket for my entire body.

"I hate you." I said to him once he came out of the changing room, not looking stiff at all, unlike myself.

"No you don't," he was grinning so wide I thought his face might fall off. "You look cute."

Cute was the last thing I looked in this oversized red track suit. "Shut up." I was really mad right now. I really didn't want to do this. I was so scared I could've peed myself if the stupid suit wasn't squeezing my urethra shut.

"Come on, let's go jump out of a plane." Never thought I would hear those words come out of Jax's mouth.

He led me out into a an open field, where I couldn't help but tremble at the sight of the small plane that looked like it had enough engine to fly to Mars.

The Book Is Always Better| #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora